In the morning, I may not make it in (sick as a dog right now), so if I don't, MAJ Radik will be running the show. Sorry if I can't make it in, you all fire me up!!
Run 1 mile
then rest for 3 minutes
4 x front squat (95/65)
4 x sumo deadlift high-pull (95/65)
NOTE: For the run you have options - either run outside from Arvin to Koszcuiko's Monument and back (wear your reflective belt!), run on the treadmill, run 4 x gym loops, or run 11.7 laps on the Hayes Track.
NOTE2: Scale weight as needed - your legs will be tired!
Post time for run and number of rounds complete to comments.
Reacquainted myself with my old nemesis the treadmill.
Ran a 5:27 mile which was awfully satisfying, especially on a treadmill.
Then completed four rounds exactly except I was using 40kg (88 lbs.) because getting exactly 95 lbs. is impossible here.
I've never done front squat or the sumo deadlift high-pull before actually. Front squat was pretty simple and I liked it alot. As for the other... I think I need to approach it more like a deadlift and not worry about the pull as much.
I ran from the 62 room to kosciuszko's statue, taking me 6:20, then completed 6 rounds and 4 front squats, ending at 13:20.
It certainly has gotten cold out there, and i was chasing Sean the whole time, nice work bud.
4x gym loop at 6:18.
5 rounds + 1 fs as rx'd.
I ran 4x the Gym Loop in 5:35, then completed 4 rounds + 3 front squats at 85#
And I'm finally starting to get used to waking up in the morning, which is nice
4 Gym Loops - 6:38
5 rds as perscribed. Ya'll who ran outside are crazy.
Good group this morning. I ran from the 62 room out and back to the room.
As Rx'd: 7:33 and then 5 rounds + 1 front squat.
Run - 7:13
6.5 rounds as Rx'd
(i need to run more...)
Good WOD...
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
sorry I missed this morning, this bug is kicking my butt. I probably won't be in Friday morning either.
Nice work by one and all!
4x gym loops 6:48
scaled to 85#
4 rounds + FS + 1 SDHP
Also feeling pretty sick. I'll try to make it in the morning.
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