Saturday, 1/1/11 - Sunday, 1/2/11

Rest Days!

Happy New Year Black & Gold!

Take the weekend off and get ready for another semester.  Sign the contract now with your mind and body that you will be a stronger, faster, and healthier warrior in 2011, and get that program started by joining us on Monday morning at 0530!

Friday, 12/31/10

Bike 10k with any bike you can come up with (stationary bike, your old BMX in the garage, whatever!)

Post time to comments

Thursday, 12/30/10

WOD #1:
Five rounds for time:
10 pullups
10 front squats (135/95)
WOD #2:
Five rounds for time:
30 pushups
30 broomstick thrusters 
Post time to comments

Wednesday, 12/29/10

Row 500 m (offsite: substitute with 500m run )
25 Push Press (115/85) (offsite: push press a well-packed piece of soft luggage)
50 situps
Post rounds to comments

Tuesday, 12/28/10

WOD #1
Run 1 mile
50 Med Ball Cleans (20/14)*
50 KB Swings (53/35)*
*break these 50 MBCs and 50 KBSs up however you like
Run 1 mile

WOD #2
Run 1 mile, or for 8 minutes if unable to measure distance
50 burpees*
50 mountain climbers*
*break these 50 burpees and 50 mountain climbers up however you like
Run 1 mile, or for 8 minutes if unable to measure distance

Post time to comments

Monday, 12/27/10

Find a soft piece of ground, either on a gym mat, the beach, or your family's living room.
4 rounds for time:
25 somersaults (start & end on the balls of your feet)
25 pushups
25 airsquats
25 sec of holding a handstand (wall supported)
Post time to comments 

Saturday, 12/25/10 - Sunday, 12/26/10

Merry Christmas!  

Rest, drink a little egg nog, cheat a little on the diet, and start thinking about what fitness goals you are going to set for the new year!

Friday, 12/24/10

WOD #1
Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Post weights to comments

WOD #2
Find a rock, heavy books, sandbag, or something else heavy (shoot for about 45 lbs)
5 rounds of 20 overhead squats
Goal is to do each round as fast as possible with whatever rest necessary between rounds.

Post time for each round to comments.

Thursday, 12/23/10

WOD #1
4 rounds for time
Row 500m
15 Handstand push-ups

Post time to comments.

WOD #2
"Tabata Upper 1/2"
Handstand push-ups

(Note - a Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.  You should do all 8 rounds of push-ups before moving to sit-ups, etc.)

Post total number of reps for each exercise to comments.

Wednesday, 12/22/10

WOD #1
5 rounds for time
20 sit-ups
25 box jumps (24/20)
30 Sumo-deadlift high pull (45#)

WOD #2
5 rounds for time
Run 400m
15 tuck jumps
20 squats

Post WOD choice and time to comments.

Tuesday, 12/21/10

WOD #1
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press

Rest as necessary between rounds.  Post reps for each round to comments.

WOD #2
AMRAP 12 minutes
Bear crawl 100 feet
10 Burpees
Crab walk 100 feet
10 Squats

Post rounds to comments.

Monday 12/20/10

Hi everybody.  I hope your break is off to a great start.  I know many of you will not have daily access to a gym this week.  For that reason, we are going to post two WODs each day.  WOD #1 is one that you can do in the gym.  WOD #2 you should be able to do anywhere as long as you can find access to a jungle gym.  Feel free to use either of the WODs are choose your own WODs.  Either way, PLEASE POST so we know whether you are using them or not.  If we do not have people using the WODs, we might take the following week off of programming and then start it up again after new years.

So here is what we have for Monday..

WOD #1
Row 5k for time

WOD #2
Run 5k for time

Post WOD and time to comments.

Saturday, 12/18/10 - Sunday, 12/19/10

Rest days!

Give yourself a pat on the back for finishing the term. 

Now think about what you are going to do to stay in shape over the break.  If you live near a local affiliate, pay them a visit.  If not, feel free to grab WODs from our blog or create your own.  Regardless of which path you choose, make sure you are staying fit!

Friday, 12/17/10

"Whitten" (After CPT Dan Whitten, USMA '04, KIA in OEF)
Five rounds for time of:
22 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
22 Box jump, 24 inch box
Run 400 meters (or gym loop)
22 Burpees
22 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Post time to comments.

Note:  This WOD takes elite CrossFit athletes upwards of 30 minutes to complete.  Make sure you have some time to get this one done and/or consider scaling the weights, reps per round, or number of rounds. 

Thursday, 12/16/10

Five rounds for time:
15 reps overhead squat (95/65)
30 double unders

Post time to comments

If you want to give any Black and Gold shirts to your friends and family for the holidays, hit up MAJ Miller.  In January we are going to send our excess shirts back to the printer so they can sell them, but the price will increase by almost $10 each when we do.

Wednesday, 12/15/10

Sorry for the late post tonight...tomorrow is gymnastics goat day.

Pick your biggest gymnastics goat and spend 30 solid minutes focusing on improving it.  As an alternative, take two of your biggest gymnastics goats and make a 15 minute AMRAP with them.

A list of exercises to consider:
Air Squats
Rope climbing
Handstand push-ups

I think you get the idea...

Tuesday, 12/14/10

"Super Helen"For time:
3 gym loops (or 1200 meters)
63 kettlebell swings (53/35)
36 pull-ups
2 gym loops (or 800 meters)
42 kettlebell swings (53/35)
24 pull-ups
1 gym loop (or 400 meters)
21 kettlebell swings (53/35)
12 pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Please tape your hands for this one.  We don't want you to lose any skin!

Monday, 12/13/10

For weight:



10 Turkish get-ups.  You choose the weight.

Post weights to comments.

Saturday, 12/11/10 - Sunday, 12/12/10

AMRAP in four quarters, cheer for the Brave Old Army Team!


then rest...

Friday, 12/10/10

Beat Navy!

Let's give the team a final push as we get ready to beat the hell out of Navy this weekend.

We have had some short, fast, grinder WODs this week, let's go for some "constantly varied" with a West Point hero WOD.  If you have not heard of Tyler Parten, check out this link to get to know him a bit before we do the WOD.

Five rounds for time:
7 muscle-ups
21 Sumo-deadlift high-pull (95 lbs)

Post time to comments

Thursday, 12/09/10

Three rounds for time of:
15 hang power cleans (135/95)
15 burpees

Chris Spealler 2:48, Graham Holmberg 3:02, Austin Malleolo 3:04, Rich Froning Jr. 3:10, Jason Khalipa 3:19, Tim Burke 3:31, Stacie Kroon 3:32 (95lbs), Miranda Oldroyd 3:53 (95lbs), Mary Lampas 4:02 (95lbs), Heather Bergeron 4:23 (95lbs).

Post time to comments.

WOD demo video from Rick Froning Jr. and Heather Bergeron [wmv] [mov]

Another demo video of the WOD from Again Faster Equipment [wmv] [mov]

Wednesday, 12/08/10

For weight:

Bench press

Front squat

Post weights to comments

Tuesday, 12/07/10

For time:
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift (225/155)
Overhead squat (135/95)

Post time to comments.

WOD Demo with Chris Spealler - video [wmv] [mov]
Heather Bergeron on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Note: the video with Heather Bergeron shows how you can scale the weight on this workout (she does it with her daughter who is 10).  Make sure you scale the weight for your fitness level so you can keep the intensity up in the morning.

Monday, 12/06/10

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 second Handstand hold
30 second Squat hold
30 second L-sit hold
30 second Chin over bar hold

WOD Demo with Laurie Galassi - video [wmv] [mov]
Austin Malleolo and Jason Ackerman on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]
Heather Bergeron and Mel Ockerby on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Post number of rounds and partial rounds to comments.

Bring your own watch so you can keep track of times on this WOD.  It will help you to take a look at the demo videos before you do it so you get an idea of the flow.

Saturday, 12/04/10 - Sunday, 12/05/10

Rest days.  Have a great weekend and get ready for the last week of classes!

Friday, 12/02/10

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Dave Lipson: Squat 550, Press 215, Deadlift 635. Total 1400lbs
Jason Khalipa: Squat 445, Press 240, Deadlift 535. Total 1220lbs
Kristan Clever: Squat 270, Press 115, Deadlift 335. Total 720lbs
Katie Hogan: Squat 245, Press 115, Deadlift 320. Total 685lbs
Elyse Umeda Squat 275, Press 105, Deadlift 295. Total 675lbs

Post total to comments.

Compare to 3/11/10 

Thursday, 12/02/10

Four rounds for time
25 pull-ups
Run gym loop (400m)

Post time to comments

Wednesday, 12/1/10


10 x box jumps (24/20)
15 x pushups
20 x wall ball shots (20/14)
25 x situps

Post rounds to comments

Tuesday, 11/30/10

For time and load:
Ring dips 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Back squat 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

Choose a back squat load that is appropriate for your strength level.

You should alternate rounds between exercises so you will start with 10 ring dips, then 1 back squat, then 9 ring dips, then 2 back squats, etc.

Post time and load to comments.

Monday, 11/29/10

We will head up to the second floor basketball courts for this WOD

5 Rounds for time:
Run suicide*
40 Double unders
Rest exactly 1 minute between rounds

*Suicide = run from baseline to free throw line and back, then to half court and back, then to far free throw line and back, and then to far baseline and back.

Post time for each round and/or total time to comments

If you cannot do double unders, do 4:1 substitution for single unders (12 single unders per round)

If you do not have a jump rope you can substitute tuck jumps instead

Saturday, 11/27/10 - Sunday, 11/28/10

Rest Days.

Enjoy some recovery time or make up for missed WODs due to the holidays.  Either way, enjoy the rest of your break and get ready hit it again on Monday.

For those of you with access to a kitchen, notice the new "Meal of the Day" on the right side of the blog.  Each day it will post a new, paleo friendly meal for you to consider.

Friday, 11/26/10

Time to start burning off that Thanksgiving fat!

If you can make it into a gym, do the following WOD:
Bench press
Row 5k for time

If you can't make it to a gym, run a 5k (you will be glad afterwards).

Post workout and time/weight to comments

Thursday, 11/25/10

Happy Thanksgiving!

Arvin is closed and most of you are spread across the country to enjoy turkey, family, and pumpkin pie.  As a result, we wanted to provide you will a little WOD you can do from anywhere with no equipment required (except a watch).  Here is a little tabata fun for you to enjoy.  It is guaranteed to reduce your level of guilt after the big feast.

"The Turkey Tabata"

Do eight rounds of 20 seconds work followed by ten seconds of rest for each exercise.  Your score is the lowest number of reps you complete in any of the eight rounds.  Rest 1 minute between exercises.

Post scores to comments between bites of pie.

Wednesday, 11/24/10

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (225/135)
Handstand push-ups

Compare to 07/27/10.

Cadets have a modified schedule tomorrow that includes a 0600 breakfast formation.  As a result, we will not be meeting as a big group at 0530.  Feel free to coordinate with pople in the comments so you can meet as a group.

Try to get this last WOD in before you head out for Turkey Day and enjoy the break.

Tuesday, 11/23/10

From CrossFit New England
"Car Bomb"
21-15-9 reps for time of:
C2B Pull ups
Box Jumps, 24"

There is a 5 minute cap on this workout. This is not a "grind-it-out WOD". This should be an all out sprint. If you don't have good chest to bar pull ups, do standard pull ups, or even jumping. If you can't rip through 24" Box jumps, use a 20" box or even lower. 

then (after some rest)

"Tabata Treadmill"
Do 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.
Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at a 0-30 second slower pace per mile than your best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed once you start the workout.

Here is a WOD demo [wmv] [mov].

Post time for first WOD and pace for second WOD to comments.

Monday, 11/21/10

For weight:
Squat Clean

Finish with tabata double unders

Post weights for all rounds and tabata score (lowest score of eight rounds) to comments

Saturday, 11/20/10 - Sunday, 11/21/10

Rest Days

Beat Notre Dame!

Don't forget to grab a Black & Gold CrossFit shirt this next week so you can take them home and share them with family, friends, and local CrossFit boxes at Thanksgiving.

Friday, 11/19/10


"Filthy Fifty" (Compare to 5/4/10)
50 x box jumps (24")
50 x jumping pullups
50 x kettlebell swings (35lb)
50 x steps walking lunges (total, not per leg)
50 x knees to elbows
50 x push press (45lb)
50 x back extensions
50 x wall ball shots (20lb)
50 x burpees
50 x double unders

You must complete all reps of an exercise in order to progress to the next exercise.

If you have a jump rope, please bring it.  If you have more than one...bring 'em all!

Post time to comments

Thursday, 11/18/10

For time:
Run 5k

Compare to 09/30/10
0530 crew: bring your reflective belt and we'll run to Lee Gate and back.

Post time to comments

Wednesday, 11/17/10

For weight:

Front Squat
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (working up to max weight for three reps)

Weighted pullups
3, 3, 3, 3, 3 (working up to max weight for three reps)

Complete all of the front squat rounds prior to moving on to the weighted pullups.

Post weights to comments

Tuesday, 11/16/10


Run 500m (Supe/Comm Loop)
5 reps of deadlift (set your own weight near 80-85% of your one rep max)

Post rounds and deadlift weight to comments

Monday, 11/15/10

0530 crew will meet in Hayes Gym

For time:
15' rope ascent/descent


Post time to comments

Max reps in two minutes of double-unders

Saturday, 11/13/10 - Sunday, 11/14/10

Rest Days.  Enjoy the weekend and find some time to work on your mobility.  There is some great material here:

Friday, 11/12/10

"95lb Suck"

21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds for time of:
hang power clean
front squat
push press / push jerk

As the name suggests, you use the same bar for all exercises set for 95lbs. This one hurts so make sure you scale appropriately. If you are new to CrossFit, try 55 or 65 lbs. Trust me, the weight will be plenty and you'll get smoked. If you've been around a while but your not doing the WODs as Rx'd yet, go for 75lbs. And for those that are Rx'ing the WODs, go for 95lbs and prepare to suck. Come mentally prepared and we'll have a good time.

***Sorry to the early morning crew.  I accidentally added a 6 and 3 rep round on the white board***

Compare to 1/21/10

Thursday, 11/11/10

Happy Veteran's Day

If you are looking for a Hero WOD that you can do after the shoulder beating we took the past two days, try this one:

Three rounds for time
Run 800 meters
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups

As another alternative, a couple of us are going to run to the ski slope with dogs.  It is about a 4.8 mile hill run so should be fun.

Enjoy the day off of classes

Post your workout choice and details to comments

Wednesday, 11/10/10

5 Pull-ups
10 Box jumps (24"/20")
15 Knees-to-elbows
20 Kettlebell swings (53/35)
25 Lung steps (total not per leg)

Post rounds complete to comments

Bonus round: accumulate two minutes in a static hand-stand position on the wall

Tuesday, 11/09/10

Overhead Squat (95/65)

Post time to comments

Monday, 11/08/10

4 rounds for time:
30 double unders
Run gym loop
Rest exactly 1 minute between rounds

Post time for each round and/or total time to comments

If you cannot do double unders, do 4:1 substitution for single unders (12 single unders per round)

If you do not have a jump rope you can substitute tuck jumps instead

Saturday, 11/06/10 - Sunday, 11/07/10

Rest days for the awesome athletes who competed in the Black & Blue workouts against Air Force. Army managed to edge out Air Force this year so the series is tied 1-1. We look forward to going back to altitude next year to notch up another win. Training for that starts Monday!
Both teams after the Chipper WOD

When you see Tex, please congratulate him on hosting an awesome Black & Blue CrossFit event. He put in a lot of time developing workouts, coordinating with our Air Force brothers and sisters, and moving over, through and around any obstacle that tried to stop the event from taking place.

Thanks also to a great contingent from Air Force.  Their officers and NCOs were integral in making the event happen.  Their cadets showed up, competed hard, and strengthened the bonds between our two services.

Another big thanks is in order for the people who volunteered to come judge the events and ensure that it ran smoothly.

Finally, for those of you who missed the Friday WOD, you can make it up over the weekend.  Here it is:

3 rounds for time
25 Double unders
1 rope climb to shelf (15’)
1 lap with medicine ball
1 lap with baton
½ lap with nothing
15 pull-ups

Post time and status of your lungs to comments

Friday, 11/05/10

We will not have CrossFit Friday this week.  Instead, I want to encourage all of you to come watch a team from USAFA and a team from USMA work out together.  They will be working out up in Hayes for time and it should be a pretty good WOD. 

The WOD they are doing is:
3 rounds for time
25 Double unders
1 rope climb to shelf (15’)
1 lap with medicine ball
1 lap with baton
½ lap with nothing
15 pull-ups

If you are available in the afternoon, come back to the '62 room to watch the afternoon workout as well.

Come support Army on this and Beat Air Force!

Also, for those of you who are dying to get your hands on a Black & Gold CrossFit shirt, I will have them available for a special price of $20 each.

Thursday, 11/04/10

For time:

21-15-9 thrusters (75/45)  [mov] [wmv]
After each round of thrusters, run stairway to heaven up to the second floor basketball courts, run 1 suicide, and then return back down the stairway to the '62 room.

Suicide = run from baseline to free throw line and back, then to half court and back, then to far free throw line and back, and then to far baseline and back.

If you are strong like an ox, you need to scale this one up!  If you are new to CrossFit and/or thrusters, you should consider scaling the weight back.

Post time to comments.

Wednesday, 11/03/10

This WOD is modified from a CFNE WOD

1 round for time:
20 burpees
30 power cleans (135, 95)
40 double unders
50 Sumo-deadlift high pulls (45 lb bar)

You will need to clear your own power clean bar prior to starting your 50 SDHP.

Post time to comments.

Tuesday, 11/02/10

Four rounds for time:
25 pull-ups
Run gym loop

Post time to comments

Monday, 11/01/10

Squat snatch
Technique work


For weight:

Post deadlift weight to comments

Compare to 06/23/10

Saturday, 10/30/10 - Sunday 10/31/10

Rest Days.

Happy Halloween!  Stretch as you eat your candy so you are ready for next week!

Friday, 10/29/10

CrossFit Friday

Supe’s Loop (500 m)
Front Squat (155/85): 10-8-6-4-2
Pullups: 2-4-6-8-10
Supe’s Loop (500 m)

Run: 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)
Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. (e.g. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.)

Thursday, 10/28/10

5 rounds of:
Row 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Run 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Bike 1 minute
Rest 1 minute

Bring a notepad and pen/pencil to record all distances.
Post total meters (row) and combined miles (run plus bike)

If you cannot get to a C2 Rower, you can substitute 45 pound sumo deadlift high pulls.  10 SDHP with 45 pounds is equivalent to 100 meters on the rower.

Wednesday, 10/27/10

10 x kettle bell swings (53/35)
20 x walking lunge steps (10 steps each leg)
30 x pushups
40 x air squats
50 x double unders

Post time to comments

If you have a jump rope, please bring it with you.  If you do not have one...spring for it.  They cost about $5 at the PX, Wal-Mart, or Target.

Run two miles at 90% of your max run speed.

Tuesday, 10/26/10

For time:
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds
Push jerk, 75 pounds

Rest exactly 2 minutes then
AMRAP 2 minutes
Double Unders

Post time for WOD and reps for double unders to comments.

Here is an old video of the WOD [wmv] [mov]

This is a newer video with different athletes and a blazing time [wmv] [mov]

Remember that the CrossFit methodology is technique, consistency, then and only then, intensity.

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." ~Aristotle

Monday, 10/25/10

Ropes and Squats
For time:
5 Rope Climbs (15')
50 Squats
4 Rope Climbs
40 Squats
3 Rope Climbs
30 Squats
2 Rope Climbs
20 Squats
1 Rope Climb
10 Squats

Post time to comments

We are going to start programming 2-3 endurance WODs each week for those who are interested in focusing on their endurance.  We will post run workouts on the blog, but check out the CrossFit Endurance site for swim, bike, run, and row options.

Do this was at least three hours after the regular WOD.
Run: 3x1000m, 2 min recoveries, best possible pace

Saturday, 10/23/10 - Sunday 10/24/10

Rest days.  Enjoy the weekend and check out Mobility WOD to do some active rest!

Friday, 10/22/10


50 Wall balls (20/14)
20 Pullups
40 Wall balls
15 Pullups
30 Wall balls
10 Pullups
20 Wall balls
5 Pullups
10 Wall balls

Post time to comments

Thursday, 10/21/10

2 x back squat beginning at 75% of your one rep max weight
Perform two reps every minute on the minute, adding 10 lbs each round until failure

Post rounds and starting weight to comments

Wednesday, 10/20/10

AMRAP 15 (As Many Rounds As Possible in 15 minutes)

15 x kettle bell swing (53/35)
15 x box jumps
Gym Loop

Post rounds to comments

Tuesday, 10/19/10

Squat clean (135/95)
Ring dips

Post time to comments

Compare to 06/14/10

Monday, 10/18/10

Hayes Gym Track Intervals

10 rounds:
2 laps with exactly one minute of rest between rounds

Post total time comments

Friday, 10/15/10

CrossFit Friday

For time:
Stairway to heaven one-leg hop touching every step (switch legs at each landing)
20 Wall-balls
Stairway to heaven two-step jump
20 Wall-balls
Stairway to heaven three-step jump
20 wall-balls
Stairway to heaven four-step jump
20 wall-balls
Post time to comments.

Thursday, 10/14/10

Bike Day

Today we are going to keep it "constantly varied" and his an exercise we rarely do in Black & Gold CrossFit.  Head over to the "cardio" room and find yourself a stationary bike.

30 minutes continuous biking

Sustain 85% of your maximum effort.

Wednesday, 10/13/10

Five rounds for time:
7 muscle ups
21 burpees

Post time to comments.

Austin Malleolo on today's WOD - video [wmv] [mov]

Tuesday, 10/12/10

Welcome back from the long weekend.  This WOD is the first WOD from the Northwest Regionals for the CrossFit Games for 2010.  Check out this video of Chris Spealler tearing it up!  We scaled the weight a bit and you should scale to your own level for the overhead squats.

3 rounds for time:
10 overhead squats (115/75)
50 double unders

Post time to comments.

Monday, 10/11/10

This is what we will call a no excuses WOD!  You can do this one from anywhere so there are no excuses for not working out on Columbus Day.

"Gotta Tabata"
Tabata push-ups
Rest 1 minute
Tabata squats
Rest 1 minute
Tabata sit-ups
Rest 1 minute
Tabata burpees

Tabata is an interval workout where you work for 20 seconds followed by ten seconds of rest.  Repeat the interval 8 times for a total of 4 minutes.  Your score is the lowest number of reps you complete in any of the eight rounds (i.e. if you complete 14 push-ups in the first seven rounds and 6 push-ups in the eighth round than your score for push-ups is 6).

Post score for each exercise to comments.

Saturday, 10/09/10 - Sunday 10/10/10

Rest days.  Enjoy your long weekend.  Make up a WOD if you missed one during the week.

Friday, 10/08/10


Meet at the River Courts at 0530.

Choose to begin at either the north or south set of pullup bars:

15 x pullups, sprint to the other pullup bar set (200m), 15 x pullups, sprint back to your starting pullup bar set (200m)
15 x dips, sprint to the other dip bar set (200m), 15 x dips, sprint back to your starting dip bar set (200m)
Continue the pattern above and execute the following exercises:
15 x burpees at both locations (near pullup/dip bars)
15 x situps at both locations (near pullup/dip bars)
15 x pushups at both locations (near pullup/dip bars)
15 x air squat at both locations (near pullup/dip bars)

Finish by sprinting to your start point, and try not to puke.

Post time to comments

Thursday, 10/07/10

For weight:

The Health Lift (aka deadlift)
5 sets of 3 reps


Bench press
5 sets of 3 reps

Post weights to comments

Wednesday, 10/06/10

25 Medicine ball cleans (20/14) [wmv] [mov]
Run stairway to heaven
10 burpees

Post rounds complete to comments

Tuesday, 10/05/10

Ten rounds for time:
5 Handstand Pushups
8 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

Post time to comments

Here is a more in-depth video of the kettlebell swing:

Here is good additional information on handstand push-ups:

Monday, 10/04/10

We will meet at Shea Stadium for this WOD. 

The purpose of this WOD is to focus on high intensity interval running.

For time:
400 meters
600 meters
800 meters
600 meters
400 meters

Rest the precise time it took to run each interval before starting the next interval. 

Post time to commets.

Saturday, 10/02/10 - Sunday, 10/03/10

AMRAP in 4 Quarters:
Cheer on the Corps to VICTORY over Temple!


Friday, 10/01/10

CrossFit Friday "Homecoming Dance"

Today is the last day to get your Black & Gold CrossFit shirts for $20.  After today the price will go up to $22.  Bring your cash to TH286D and I will have shirts available there.

Since this is homecoming weekend, we are going to head up to Michie Stadium for a special WOD we are calling the "Homecoming Dance"

This is going to be an awesome buddy WOD.  Bring a friend and warm-up by jogging to Michie Stadium.  You and your buddy will start in one of the four corners.  At each corner, you have 150 reps of an exercise to complete as a team.  Here is a brief description of each exercise:

Squats - The standard is here.  You need to squat down until the crease of your hip at or below the knee.  Both partners can work squats at the same time.

Elevated push-ups: You will elevate your legs on your partner's back.  You have to do a total of 150 reps between the two partners but how you divide them is up to your pair.  Because one person is the "leg support" for ther other person, only one of you will work at a time.

Mountain climbers - Watch this video.  You can both work at the same time to complete a total of 150 reps.

Rocky sit-ups - One partner will kneel down and the other partner will anchor their legs on top of the first partner's back.  You will come up until your left elbow touches your right knee and then twist until your right elbow touches your left knee.  Alternate on the next rep. 

Buddy drag - This is similar to the "one man drag" in this video except that you will support your buddy under their arms instead of by grabbing their shirt.

Wheelbarrow - Check out this video for the ultimate human wheelbarrow transition!

You will finish the WOD by doing buddy lunges from your final corner to the center of the field.  This is like a three-leg race except you will be lunging instead of running.

Thursday, 09/30/10

I will have shirts in the '62 room in the morning.  This week is the last week to get yours for $20 before the price goes up to $22.  Don't miss out!

For time:
Run 5k

Route: Start between the Comm's and Dean's houses. Run out to Lee Gate and back.

Compare to 08/26/10.

Wednesday, 09/29/10

We will meet in Hayes Gym for this WOD. Head into Hayes and meet under the IOCT shelf where we will brief the WOD.

Five rounds for time:
10 burpees
Run to ropes
Rope climb to track level
1 lap with medicine ball
1/2 lap without medicine ball
Take stairs opposite the ropes back to the 2nd floor entrance of Hayes gym.

Post time to comments.

Tuesday, 09/28/10

Five rounds for time:
5 hang power cleans (135/95)
20 double unders

Post time to comments.

Monday, 09/27/10

For weight:
Front squat

Front Squats from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

Rest as necessary between sets.

Post weights to comments.

Compare to 06/08/10

Saturday, 09/25/10 - Sunday, 09/26/10

Brett Schuck representing in the finals of FITCOMP1
 Rest Days

Beat Duke

Friday, 09/24/10

CrossFit Friday

We will be meeting at the River Courts for this Friday Morning Treat:
30 x pull-ups
30 x burpees
30 x toes to bar
30 x dips
30 x sit-ups
30 x squats
30 x push-ups
Run 500 m (or so!): run north along the road to the turn-around and back into the field between the two sets of pullup bars.

If you are interested in purchasing a Black & Gold CrossFit t-shirt, bring your $20 tomorrow morning and I will have them available.

Thursday, 09/23/10

Please Help!
I am noticing an increasing state of disarray as I walk into the '62 room each morning.  Please help keep our facility clean by doing the following three things:
  1. Always clean up after yourself
  2. Correct others if you see somebody else not picking up before they leave
  3. Each time you come it, start your warm-up by making sure bars, med-balls, jumping boxes, etc are policed up into their proper areas
For weight:
Clean and Jerk [wmv] [mov]

Post weights to comments

Focus on good technique here.  Remember CrossFit prescription is for technique, consistency, then and only then, intensity!

Wednesday, 09/22/10

10 rounds for time
15 double unders
12 hand release knee push ups
9 kettlebell swings (53/35)

Post time to comments

FitComp Update

FitComp is this weekend (25 September).  There will be an impressive list of competitors from throughout the northeast competing this weekend.  There is also a total of $5000 in prize money too!  Registration is free to members of our community so please let me know if you want to participate before it is too late!

If you are interested in judging for FitComp, please let me know.  Judges will receive $100 and a t-shirt for their assistance.

Tuesday, 09/21/10

We will meet at Shea Stadium (the track) for this WOD.  Warm-up by jogging down to the track!

Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
50 squats

Post time to comments

Compare to 6/3/10.

Remember to use good squat form during this WOD.

Our new shirts being represented at the
5k Warrior Dash last weekend!

Monday, 09/20/10

Crew: Unfortunately a number of various constraints are preventing us from hosting our own Fight Gone Bad 5 this year at Black & Gold CrossFit.  However, the event is an awesome CrossFit fundraiser that supports the Wounded Warrior Project.  If you want to support the event, MAJ Blackmon (one of our founders) is participating at his affiliate.  You can support his participation and our wounded warriors by donating here.

For weight:
Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Post weight for all 15 sets to comments

Compare to 4/12/10

Saturday, 09/18/10 - Sunday 09/19/10

Rest Days.  Beat North Texas!

Important Updates:
1. New Shirts Are In! - I will start bringing them in the mornings. They are currently $20 each but the price will go up to $22 after October 1st. Get yours now before they are gone or get more expensive.  If you work out at different times but want to get a shirt come see me in TH286D.

2. FitComp on Saturday, 25 September - If you are interested in competing, please let me know ASAP by emailing

Friday, 09/17/10

CrossFit Friday!

"Buddy Murph"
For time:
Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
Run 1 mile

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed.  For example, each partner can do 10 sets of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats.  Another way to break it down is to have one partner do all pull-ups and push-ups while the other partner does all the squats.  The only requirement is that, between the two partners, you complete 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 squats.

The run route is from Arvin, along the back of the Supt and Comm houses, between the Comm and Dean houses, out to Washington Road and down to Kosciuszko's Monument.  Touch the base of the monument and then return to Arvin the same way.

Both partners must run both miles.  You cannot begin the pull-ups, push-ups, or squats until both partners are finished with the first mile.  You cannot begin to run the last mile until both partners have stopped working on the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats.  Your time stops when both partners are finished with the run and back in the '62 CrossFit room.

Thursday, 09/16/10

3 rounds for time of:
10 ring dips
15 deadlift (225/185)

Post time to comments

Wednesday, 09/15/10

21 Double unders
15 Kettlebell swings (53/35)
9 Toes-to-bars

Post rounds completed to comments.

Tuesday, 09/14/10

5 rounds for time of
400 meter run (Supt/Comm Loop)
95 lbs overhead squat x 15

Post time to comments

Route update:
Run out of Arvin and into North Area directly to Corrigidor Sallyport.  Go through Corrigidor to the apron and take a left.  Run back into North Area through Leyte Sallyport and directly back to Arvin.
The route was about a 450-500 meter time equivelant.

Monday, 09/13/10

For time:
15-12-9-6-3 reps of:
Handstand push-ups

Post time to commets

Friday, 09/10/10

Motivated morning crew after the burpee sprint WOD
CrossFit Friday!

Let's show our support for our undefeated Black Knights as they prepare for battle against Hawaii.  This will be an awesome buddy WOD so bring a friend to work with.

Starting at the zero yard line, sprint down the field to the opposite end-zone and back.
Burpee buddy jumps from the zero yard line to the 10 yard line.

From the 10 yard line, sprint down the field to the opposite end-zone and back to the 10 yard line.
Burpee buddy jumps from the 10 yard line to the 20 yard line.

From the 20 yard line, sprint down the field to the opposite end-zone and back to the 20 yard line.
Burpee buddy jumps from the 20 yard line to the 30 yard line.

Continue with this pattern until you have reached the other end-zone with your burpee buddy jumps.

I have two remaining Black and Gold CrossFit T-shirts.  They will go to the winning pair during this buddy WOD!

Post time to comments.

Thursday, 09/09/10

For weight:
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

We will work some snatch skills and then you will work up to your 1 rep max

Wednesday, 09/08/10

The warm-up for this WOD is a jog down to Shea Stadium.
We will be meeting at Shea at 0530 to start the workout.

For time:
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards
Run 800 meters
Run 400 meters backwards

Post time to comments

Tuesday, 09/07/10

This is a WOD we found from the programming gurus up at CrossFit New England.

"Lemon Drop"
5 rounds for time of:
25 Push ups
25 Box Jumps (24")
25 Kettlebell swings (53/35)

This is a pretty long workout so get ready for some work!

Post time to comments.

Monday, 09/06/10

Several of you are spread across the country but that does not mean you shouldn't find 30-60 minutes to get your daily CrossFit on!  To help facilitate we are posting two WODs for you today.  The first WOD is one you can do if you are near a gym.  The second one requires no equipment which means you have no excuse for not doing it!  Choose one of the two and have an awesome Labor Day!

WOD #1:
For time:
Row 1000m
50 barbell thrusters (45/33)
30 pull-ups

WOD #2:
AMRAP in 10 minutes of:
10 push-ups
10 tuck jumps
10 squats

Post WOD choice and time  or number of rounds to comments.

Click here to check out an informative study written by a few officers at Command and General Staff College including one of the Black and Gold CrossFit early members, MAJ  Wylie.

Saturday, 09/04/10 - Sunday, 09/05/10

Rest Days.


Something to think about over the weekend.  According to Derek Sivers we should keep our goals to ourselves.  Set some fitness goals for yourself but don't tell anybody what they are....

Friday, 09/03/10

CrossFit Friday!  You do not want to do this alone.  Bring a friend to help encourage you along the way!

Note:  come out and finish a tough week with another tough WOD.  I gym loops next week!

For time:
10 Burpee pull-ups
Run gym loop
8 Burpee pull-ups 
Run gym loop
6 Burpee pull-ups 
Run gym loop
4 Burpee pull-ups 
Run gym loop
2 Burpee pull-ups 
Run gym loop

Post time to comments


Hi Crew,

This is a shameless plug to get you to post your results after your WODs.  In spite what you might believe, this is NOT so big brother can track you and call you out when you miss a WOD or have a bad day.  However, posting does help out in two ways:

1) It gives you a way to track your own progress on WODs.  You can watch and pat yourself on the back after a PR or just sit in amazement about how far you have come.

2) It gives Black & Gold a better understanding of the utilization of the programming.  We know that there are more people doing WODs than we see at 0530, but we do not know how many.

All that said...please post after you do your WOD.  Cadets, officers, NCOs, privates, civilians, inmates, cousins of sister's best friends, Bueller, Bueller . . . you get the idea.  We would love to see you post.


Thursday, 09/02/10

30 muscle-ups for time.

If you do not have muscle-ups, you HAVE to come to this session.  Practice is the only way to develop this skill!

Here is a great video to get you thinking about correct muscle-up progressions.

Achieving the Muscle-up from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

Post time to comments

Wednesday, 09/01/10

3 rounds for time:Gym loop (400m run)
21 x kettlebell swings (53lb / 35lb)
12 x pull-ups
Compare to 4/20/103/2/10, and 1/22/10

Post time to comments.

Here is a link to a video on the kettlebell swing [wmv] [mov]
Here is a new video on butterfly pull-ups for those of you interested.

Tuesday, 08/31/10

50 Deadlift (225lb/185lb)
1.2 mile run

NOTE: This is A LOT of deadlifting.  Make sure you keep consistent form as your get tired so avoid shifting too much of the load from your legs to your back.

Remember to bring your reflective belts to run outside. 
The run course will be as follows:
Come out the corner entrance from Arvin gym
Run into north area and exit the area between Mac Short and Mac Long
Run down Jefferson Road (in front of Quarters 100) and turn right onto Washington Road
Run down Washington Road to Kosciuszko's Monument
Touch the monument and return via the reverse route

Post time to comments

Compare to 5/14/10

Monday, 08/30/10


For time:
150 Wall Ball Shots (20lb / 12lb)

Compare to 3/25/10

Post time to comments

Check out the video and make sure you have an understanding of the proper technique and points of performance before beginning.

Friday, 08/27/10

7 medicine ball cleans
7 burpees

Pair up for this one.  One partner will coach, encourage, and count rounds.  The other partner will work, sweat, and cry.  After ten minutes, switch roles.

Thursday, 08/26/10

This is the new Black & Gold CrossFit shirt.
Keep your eyes out for ordering information.
For time:
Run 5k

Route: Start between the Comm's and Dean's houses. Run out to Lee Gate and back.

Compare to: 04/13/10

Bonus round:
50 x Push up
50 x Pull up
50 x Sit up

Post time(s) to comments

Wednesday, 08/25/10

NOTE: We adjusted slightly this morning.  Here is the updated WOD:

"The Hayes 20 minute Haze"
Start in the '62 CrossFit Room
10 Kettlebell swings
10 Toes to bars
Run up to the lower level of Hayes Gym and enter by the IOCT shelf
Climb rope to second floor
Run 1 lap around track
Go out the track exit closest to the ropes, down stairs, and back into the '62 room

Post number of rounds completed in comments.

Tuesday, 08/24/10

10 Thrusters (135/95)*
50 Double unders**
8 Thrusters (135/95)
40 Double unders
6 Thrusters (135/95)
30 Double unders
4 Thrusters (135/95)
20 Double unders
2 Thrusters (135/95)
10 Double unders

*Scale your weight as necessary.  You should be able to make it through your first set of thrusters unbroken.  If you are not able to then you are using too much weight.

**If you are unable to do double unders, substitute single unders in a 4:1 ratio (four singles for one double).  If you do not have a jump rope available, substitute tuck jumps for double unders.

Post time to comments

Monday, 08/23/10

Ten rounds for time of:
10 pull-ups
10 burpees

Post time to comments

Saturday, 08/21/10 - Sunday, 08/22/10

Rest Days!  Congratulations on making it through the first week of classes. 

Enjoy ring weekend!

Friday, 08/20/10

A little pre-sun fun at the River Courts!
CrossFit Friday!

We will meet at 0530 at the River Courts.  Bring a friend on down for an awesome Friday morning workout.

Firsties, come on down and earn the right to don that crass mass of brass and glass!

"Sprinting Cindy"
AMRAP  20 (as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes)
2 Rounds of Cindy*
200 m run

*Cindy is a CrossFit benchmark WOD.  One round consists of:
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats [wmv] [mov]

Thursday, 08/19/10

"Democratic Lifting"
One of the beautiful things about living in a democracy is that you are the right to make choices. Today you get to choose which lift you want to work. Your two options are listed below:
For weight:

Bench press 10-5-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps


Overhead squat 10-5-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 reps

The Overhead Squat from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

Post choice of lift and load for each set to comments.

If you want extra credit then do both lifts.

Wednesday, 08/18/10

Four rounds for time:
4 Muscle ups
30 Double unders

*Run route: Depart Arvin from the southeast corner entrance.  Run into north area directly to Corregidor sallyport.  Pass through Corregidor sally port and proceed to Washington Monument.  From Washington monument turn left and continue along the plane side of MacArthur Barracks.  Pass through Inchon sally port and the continue directly back into Arvin.  This is roughly a 0.3 mile (500 meter) run.

If you are unable to do a muscle up substitute 12 modified muscle ups (from your knees assisting with your legs) or substitue 12 pull-ups and 12 dips each round.

If you are unable to do double unders, substitute single unders in a 4:1 ratio (four singles for one double).

If you do not have a jump rope available, substitute tuck jumps for double unders.

Tuesday, 08/17/10

Front squat: Max weight for 5 reps
Strict pull-ups: Max reps
Front squat: Max weight for 3 reps
Strict pull-ups: Max reps
Front squat: Max weight for 1 rep
Strict pull-ups: Max reps

Front Squats from Patrick Cummings on Vimeo.

Rest as necessary between sets.

As you warm up, try to find a weight that will be your 5 rep max.  From there, increase the weight for each round of front squats.

Post weights and pull-up reps to comments.

Monday, 08/16/10

We will meet as normal in the Class of '62 CrossFit room.  Once you warm up you can move out to the cardio room for the WOD:

"Tabata Treadmill"

Do 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest.

Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at a 0-30 second slower pace per mile than your best 5k pace.  Do not reduce the speed once you start the workout.

Note: this is a short WOD.  Once you start running, you are done 4 minutes later.  Don't let that fool you though, it is a smoker for sure!

Here is a WOD demo [wmv] [mov]

Saturday, 08/14/10 - Sunday, 08/15/10

Rest Days

Welcome to the Corps Class of 2014!

Friday, 08/13/10

For Friday the 13th we will call this "Freddy's Funhouse"
For time:
Run 1 mile (or 1.14 miles)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Kettlebell swing (53lb/35lb)
Box jump (24"/20")
Run 1 mile (or 1.14 miles)

Remember to bring your reflective belts to run outside. 
The run course will be as follows:
Come out the corner entrance from Arvin gym
Run into north area and exit the area between Mac Short and Mac Long
Run down Jefferson Road (in front of Quarters 100) and turn right onto Washington Road
Run down Washington Road to Kosciuszko's Monument
Touch the monument and return via the reverse route

Post time to comments.

Thursday, 08/12/10

Cadets will be on a brigade run in the morning.  Have a great time and try to make it into the gym later to knock out the WOD.

Gymnastics Skills Day
Pick one of the following gymnastics skills and work on your form/technique for 30 minutes:
Handstand push-ups
Ring dips
Free standing handstand

AFTER your 30 minutes of technique work, complete the following:
Max rep pull-ups
Max rep ring dips

Post reps for pull-ups and ring dips to comments.

Wednesday, 08/11/10

AMRAP 20 minutes
10 Overhead squats (95/65)
10 Box jumps (24/20)
10 Knees-to-elbows
Run gym loop

Post rounds completed and partial rounds completed to comments.

Tuesday, 08/10/10

For time:
50-40-30-20-10 reps of

Compare to 11/04/09

Please bring your jump rope if you have one.  We will share for additional rounds but there are very few laying around the gym at this point.

Monday, 08/09/10

Welcome back to USMA.  We have no idea how many people will be joining us in the morning during REOGRY Week.  As a result, we are listing two WODs for today.  Depending on the size of the group we will either select one WOD during the morning or break off into two groups.

Clean and jerk 135 lbs.  30 reps for time.

Post time to comments.

7 Medicine Ball Clean (20lb/14lb)
14 Kettlebell Swings (53lb/35/lb)

Post number of rounds to comments.

Saturday, 08/07/10 - Sunday, 08/08/10

Rest days!  Enjoy them and do some stretching to get you ready for REOGRY Week.

Friday, 08/06/2010

"Row Fran Row"
For time:
Row 500m
21-15-9 reps of
Thrusters (95lb/65lb)
Row 500m

Post time to comments.

REMEMBERScaling is not for the weak, it is for the powerful! You produce much more power (Force x Distance / Time) when you keep the bar moving. Therefore, PLEASE choose a weight that you can keep moving rather than tring to be a hero and ultimately taking 20-25 minutes to get through it because you spend more time starting at the bar than you do actually lifting it.  I guarantee that you will see better results with this method.

Thursday, 08/05/10

For weight:
Snatch 3 sets of 3 rep.  Reps should be touch and go with no rest between reps.  Adjust weight accordingly.


For time: 
"Dark and Stormy" from CrossFit New England
25 Deadlifts (225, 135)
50 Pull-Ups
25 Deadlifts (225, 135)

Post snatch weight and "Dark and Stormy" time to comments.

Wednesday, 08/04/10

Meet at Shea Stadium for this one...

For 20 minutes:
Run 400 meters
Rest precisely the time of the previous run

Post number of 400 meter runs complete to comments.

Tuesday, 08/03/10

5 Rounds for time
9 Deadlift (95#) [wmv] [mov]
6 Hang Power Clean (95#) [wmv] [mov]
3 Push Press (95#) [wmv] [mov]
Run 500m (Supt/Comm loop)

Scale weight up or down as necessary.

Post time to comments.

Monday, 08/02/10

For time:
21 Ring Dips
18 Squats
15 Ring Dips
30 Squats
9 Ring Dips
42 Squats 


Tabata push-ups

Rest as necessary between the timed portion of the WOD and the Tabata push-ups.

Post time and Tabata score to comments.