95lb Suck
21-18-15-12-9 rep rounds for time of:
hang power clean
front squat
push press / push jerk
As the name suggests, you use the same bar for all exercises set for 95lbs. This one hurts so make sure you scale appropriately. If you are new to CF, try 55 or 65 lbs. Trust me, the weight will be plenty and you'll get smoked. If you've been around a while but your not doing the WODs as Rx'd yet, go for 75lbs. And for those that are Rx'ing the WODs, go for 95lbs and prepare to suck. Come mentally prepared and we'll have a good time.
Compare to 8/12/09
Post time to comments.
EPIC!!! So a little history lesson for you guys. This workout was made up by one of the charter members of B&G CF WAAAAAAY back before we were even an affiliate. We were just a group of about 3 or 4 guys that used to meet up in the 3rd floor gym every morning. We used to take turns programming. When we first saw this one we all laughed at how easy it was going to be. At the end of it we were all laying on the ground in pools of sweat and vomit and one of the guys...I don't remember which one said "That was 95lbs of suck!" Hence the name and it maybe the most appropriate name of any workout EVER! Enjoy, wish I could share it with you.
A Favorite of mine. I'll probably make this my WOD for tomorrow here in GA.
Here's MAJ Wylie's advice from way back:
For those who have not done this one yet today here are some ways I think you can wargame this WOD:
1) Break each exercise into manageable sets, and push yourself to get this goal. So on the set of 15 break it into groups of 7 reps and then 8 reps for each exercise or 5/5/5.
2) Try not to rest between exercises. Even if you can only get 5 reps into your next exercise, don't put the bar down. This is all about mentally overcoming this WOD.
good one this morning
More like a 75/65 lb suck for me. Did first set with 75 then stayed with 65 for remainder. 29:00.
17:58, which was a 4 min improvement from the last time I did this as Rx'd.
This WOD definitely lives up to it's name. From the sounds in the gym, more than a few people found religion this morning.
Would definitely agree with CV's comments. There's something about going directly from one exercise to the next, even if you're only going to do a few reps before resting. It breaks through a mental barrier.
A final note, particularly for firsties. If you haven't checked this site out, take a look today:
23:45 w/ 65lb
HELP!!! We need your help....if we have to workout to John Mayer ONE MORE TIME....we'll have to do 100 burpees for time to punish ourselves for letting this continue.
Someone, ANYONE, please rip a few CDs worth of good, fast paced, motivating, PG-rated music so we can use John Mayer as a door stop during gym loops and not be subjected to his low motivation, sappy music while we are bustin' blood vessles.
Thank you!
29.56 as rx'd
This should be used as an interrogation technique for insurgents
Great WOD.
25:08 PR by 5 miinutes.
My legs hurt.
24:24 (PR) by 31 seconds
Umm ouch.
Follow C V's advice when I did it sucked less.
PS This workout is worst went you do it on your own.
Some great efforts out there this AM. Literally, there were pools of sweat all over the gym...MAJ Blackmon and MAJ Wylie would have been proud.
To kseki and the rest of the 0700 crew...you guys rock. Always fires me up to see you in there.
Evidently, some were confused today and thought the WOD was the "Hannah Montana Hoedown Throwdown"...uh, nice form, but your intensity was a little lacking. I'll give you some credit, though- it was extremely functional given your 500th Night Hop on Saturday night...Boom, Boom, Clap to all you Cows out there- have a great 500th Night Weekend!
Scaled 75#. Dropped 18 and 12 rep sets due to time and being mindful of my lower back. 12:00. That was a healthy-sized group in there this morning.
32:30 scaled to 75lbs...that was hell...i echo Jimmy's comment (1st time doing it with this weight, previous two times were with 65lbs so it was time to bump up 10) after formation group is growing...great work going on then.
Did the set of 21 with 95# and almost died. Did the rest of the WOD with 65#.
21:31 as Rx'd.
I've been dreading this workout since I saw it posted last night. It was a mental game and I lost.
PS- I was the one who requested today's WOD. Sorry.
I did the 65lb Abreviated Suck. Still beat my up pretty good and was a pitiful performance this time. Goal is to do this one as Rx'd next fall.
22:39 as Rx'd
Major THS this morning. I was under 20 minutes last time we did this WOD. Thanks Zach.
Great group this morning. Something that sucks is always better when it is shared with others.
As Rx'd...I went all in on this one and surprised myself with an 18:40.
Not sure whether it was MAJ Bault's suffering that drove me, or the enforced no more than 3 second count for any form of rest during the WOD, but I took something like 8 minutes off my last time.
I also made it my first and foremost goal to get straight through the 21 round count no-matter how much it hurt. It got a little dicie on the last few Push Jerks but it was a huge confidence builder for the rest of the WOD.
I also had a nice bout of "dry heaving pukies and dizzy walking" in the hallway afterwards, and my forearms are spent. Loved it.
Did yesterday's in 10:09 as RX'd.
Will make this up Saturday.
Oops...I meant Tuesday's workout. The HSPU and Squats.
My Boodler's.
I didn't do the Push Press/Jerk because of my shoulder.
23:11 95 lb
My wrists, fingers, and shoulders were killing me during and after this one. I'm happy i finished it though.
28:05 with 75 lbs
16:03(PR) as RX'd. Improved by 1:30 since I last did this 4/7/09.
Did this one by myself, I wonder how I would've done with the group.
18:05 as rx'd
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