Monday 4/12/10

Shoulder press 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Push press 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5 reps

Compare to 2/4/10

Post weights to comments.


AJ said...

SP - 115,125,125,125,125
PP - 125,135,135,145,145
PJ - 145,45,45,45,45
I tweaked my back on the first set of PJ so I dropped weight to work on form. My mind was not there this morning and I got lazy with my form. Guess I paid the price.

Maj said...

SP- 135, 155, 165, 165(f), 155, 155
PP- 155, 155
Ran out of time this morning.

Mike and Andrew, good job this morning on the push jerk progressions. Keep working on 'em.

JWhips said...

SP - 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
PP - 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
PJ - 135, 135, 145(f)

I was getting the weight fine with the PJ, but I missed the catch between my 2nd and 3rd rep so I stopped to avoid another shoulder injury.

Big shout out to Gregg for finally getting a PR in SP. Over a year in the making!!!

Anonymous said...

SP - 95,115,125,135,145
PP - 115,135,155,165,175
PJ - 115,155,175,190(PR)

Switched to a split jerk today, and I think that made it possible to increase my PR. I didn't do the final set of 5, though. My back told me that wasn't a good idea.

Gregg said...

PJ-ran out of time

Thanks for the shout out Maj W.
Thanks to MAJ Johnston for the motivation.