Tuesday 11/11/08 Veteran's Day

In honor of Veteran's Day, we will do a hero workout.


For Time:

50 x Pull-ups
Gym Loop (Sub=400m run)
21 x 95 pound Thruster
2 x Gym Loop (Sub=800m run)
21 x 95 pound Thruster
Gym Loop (Sub=400m run)
50 x Pull-ups

Gym loop=Start at 3rd floor weight room take a right and go down the stairs to the first floor, run the hallway take a left and head back up the stairs by the basketball courts to the third floor and return to the 3rd floor weight room.

Post time to comments.

A little history of Veteran's Day below.


A Veteran's Day Tribute.


Anonymous said...

The pull-ups destroyed me today.

C V said...

This was good. Want to get to the point where I don't have to put down the weight for thrusters.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

16:50...This one was an awesome workout. Only had to put the thrusters down twice. Once on the first set and once on the second. Again, the gym loop adds a whole new dynamic.

Really like this one.

Go Cubs said...

20:27, that was a smoker, i also need work on the thrusters, my second set, i had to do in 3 sets of 5 and 1 set of 6, but i know my Fran time will still be faster because I was putting them down about every 3 reps on the Fran

Kings said...

20:47....Pull-ups really slowed me down. Thrusters were also very tough after the stairs. Put it down too many times...should have been faster.

Demet-hook said...

19:40, I must admit that the first few thrusters of the second set weren't quite to standard. Next time if this happens I need to stop being weak and make up the reps that weren't 100%...Smoker though. After doing this workout I know my next Fran time will be alot better. Also, thanks to all the Veterans for everything you have done, and do for our country!

SB said...

24:55 as Rx'd Thanks DB. Have a ways to go on thrusters but much improved. I still put the load down way too many times. Good workout.

Unknown said...


I was hurting from the get-go. Thrusters ate my lunch.

This was a great WOD. Think about it...100 pull-ups, we ran a mile, and did 42 thrusters.....no matter your time, good work!

I really would like to try this in Gillis or at the track.....too bad there isn't a few good pull-up bars there.

Anonymous said...

19:39...nothing further.

Maj said...

I did 3 laps and 6 laps around hayes for the 400 and 800.