Thursday 11/06/08

This workout is dedicated to one of our forward deployed CrossFitters, Lance O'Bryan, who has been working out off of this site. Enjoy.


For time.

100 x Pull ups
100 x Push ups
100 x Sit ups
100 x Air squats

Remember all the way down and full extention at the top of those squats. Enjoy.

Additional instructions!!! As Rx'd you are supposed to do all reps of each exercise before proceeding to the next. So 100 pull ups, then 100 push ups, etc...

Post time to comments.


C V said...

Do you finish all of one exercise before moving onto the next or can you break it into 10 Pull Ups, 10 PU...?

Kings said...

Are we talking about one MAJ Lance O'Bryan, Field Artillery type?

Kings said...

I have always gone with completing all of one exercise before moving on to the next.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

19:31. I was overly slow on the sit ups today. I think my back may be recovering from yesterday. Did this is Hayes Gym and taped the pull up bar. Made a huge difference to have some traction on the bar but ripped my hands to shreds.

Chris...all exercises are done as a whole. 100 push ups then 100 push ups, etc...

Kingsley, yes that is the Lance O'Bryan I am refering to. We were in Hawaii together. He told me to tell you hi.

3, 2, 1, Go...

SB said...


Demet-hook said...

19:06 as RX'd

Go Cubs said...

21:08 as RX'd

Unknown said...

20:16 as RX'd

I ripped my hands open on the pull-ups. I was slower on everything this time around.

Kings said...

Not my bread and butter. Pull-ups slowed me down considerably. However, I also still have skin on my hands.

Finished in a little over 22 minutes.

Pass along my hello as well - Lance and I were stationed at Benning together.

Anonymous said...

Going to be some nay-sayers out there, but I finished in 17:39. Did not do a warm-up, so I was super fresh. Finished pull-ups at 6:35.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Has anyone ever noticed that Upty only posts when he has the best time or most weight? Just kidding.

Good time Upty, seriously! Not sure I could have cut 2 minutes off this morning. I have no doubt that you did it that fast. Pull ups are your strongest event and that is what takes the most time. Must be the shoes.