Monday 12/1/08

Welcome back.


For time:

21-15-9 reps of:

95lb Thrusters
Pull ups

Post time to comments.

Compare to 09/17/08.


Demet-hook said...

5:33 as RX'd...This was one of my first Xfit WODs I did a couple months back. I PR'd by 4:05...Pretty amazing results I think after just a couple of months.

SB said...

6:40 as RX'd. First time completing it at 95lbs. Pretty amazing given I couldnt make it thru the reps of 15 the first time I did Fran at the cert in August.
Results definitely, although I need to work on going deeper in front squat.

Unknown said...

As Rx'd 5:56 (PR)

First sub-6 min Fran.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

4:30 (PR)

Almost to the point where I can go straight sets. Had to break up the 15 set to 10 and 5 but getting closer.

This is one that having someone watch you and "grade" you is important. It keeps you honest on the thrusters and pull-ups. Once you start going hard on this it is easy to not go deep enough or not get high enough, even though you think you are.

Remember, greater than 80% correct reps is our goal. If you do one wrong, no big deal, count it, but make the correctiong and make sure you do the next one right. That way you can maintain the intensity.

Good workout.

Mac said...

6:37. Too many weak-mind/tiny heart breaks.

RW said...


I agree with MAJ Blackmon on the importance of finding the right balance between correct reps and intensity. That said, everyone working out this morning (the 5:30 am crew) looked good on form.

Anonymous said...


This is the first time that I have done the fabled 'Fran'

Go Cubs said...

5:33 as RX'd, I had to break it up a little too much both on thrusters and pullups, i need to get to the point where i can do at least the first set straight thru

C V said...

4:46 as RX'd.

I remember that I accidentally clicked off my wrist watch during my last round of thrusters when we did this in September, but I estimated it to be around 6:00. So, today was definitely an improvement.

Anonymous said...

5:57 (PR)...still cannot go straight thru yet.

Maj said...

5:43 (PR)