Friday, 13 May

Row Intervals:

9 rounds for maximum distance

1 minute row followed by 1 minute rest

Post total distance to comments.

NOTE:  You can also do this same workout with run or bike based on equipment availability.


Anonymous said...

Had to get outside this morning, so went to Shea and did:

4 rds for time

300m run
100m run backwards
10x ring dips
20x pushups
30x double unders


Though I'd see Seki and TK out there...

Adam said...

Yeah the blog is finally back up!

I did the rowing intervals:
2590 meters.

Fun stuff, have a great weekend!

jswobe said...

Blog was not up by lunch, so did a WOD from the WOD shop:

3 RFT:
400m run
30x walking lunge steps
20x kettlebell swings
10x thrusters (95#)
5x burpees

(Rx was 4 rounds...I ran out of time and had to cut it short...blast!)


Good WOD...

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

Matt said...


I couldn't get the WOD for today before I went to the gym so I did

5 x C2B pull-ups
10 x Wall ball
15 x KBS (53)

9 rounds 5 x wall ball

Yesterday as Rx'd 15:07

ErinM said...

Endurance WOD (Biking because I can no longer use the shoulder. I need to stop getting injured.)

8 rounds of 1km sprint on an interval of 2:30.
Avg of about 1:40 min.

JC said...

Bike version as a BR:

5.3 miles