Monday 2/1/10

Five rounds for time of:

Gym Loop
30 Box jump (24" / 20")
30 Wall ball shots (20lb / 14lb)

Post time to comments.


AJ said...


MAJ Mayo, Congrats on getting my name right for over a week now. As promised, my old screenname returns.

CPR said...


I had finally gotten to the point that I enjoyed gym loops, so of course we do a workout that makes gym loops not so much fun. Good workout, it smoked me more than I thought it would

Vanilla Gorilla said...

22:28 (WIA)

WWA is for whatever is available. The first two rounds where using whatever size ball or box jump that were available.

Gregg said...

30:16, I don't know what happened, but I should have done much better.

SM said...


Box jumps kill me. Spent a lot of time waiting for equipment.

Anonymous said...

25:05. Good smoker on a monday morning. And the post-formation crew grew by one more member...

kseki said...

33:15 as Rx'd
Messed around with muscle-ups afterwards. Not happening today.

Unknown said...

17:29 - scaled to 3 rounds

SB said...

17:07 scaled to 3 rnds (had to get to class) ...probably good though because i was hurting.

NM said...


Great cheering section this morning...and Vanilla Gorilla, thanks for the push...

JWhips?? Don't make me call you out...

Anonymous said...

24:36? I bumped my watch later and it restarted the chrono.

I realized during the 2nd run that this was going to be brutal.

CPR said...

so. . .I wondered why my time was so awesome, and I figured it out. I only did 3 rounds, for some reason, I read three instead of 5. Oh well. . . So 16.14 for three rounds and I guess I will have to wait till next time to see what my five round time will be.

Maj said...

24:28...running is my goat

JWhips said...


Let me just say PAIN. This one hurt. Made this up with the lunch group. Missed the morning folks though.

NM... no excuse Sir.

Bob said...


Lots of pain, as is evident from my poor form on the wallball in the pic.

I hate that Gymloop

Jimmy said...

used treadmill 1.5% grade for .25 mile.
very happy to get through this WOD after this weekend.
Neil- I support any response you have to this first post.

Chris M said...

15:46 but I cut out the gym loops in the interst of time. I figure with the gym loops my time would have been in the mid-20 mins.

ChadC said...


sdc said...


westpointlefty said...


Tam said...

I think I'm bleeding internally! Thanks for the pain. Lol