Thursday 1/29/09

Meet in Hayes Gym.

For time.

30 x Muscle ups

If you cannot do a muscle up sub is 4 pullups/dips for 1 MU. So sub is 120 pullups and 120 dips.

Post time to comments.

If you have rings, bring them. We will hang them at various heights in Hayes gym.


MattF said...

For tomorrow’s WOD, bring some athletic tape or something that can protect your palms and wrists from muscle ups. I still have scabs on my hand from my last 30 muscle ups for time. This way no one gets too messed up. My wrists were rubbed raw afterwards.

Go Cubs said...

Great MU vid, if you've never done these i would def check this out, and check it out on the HQ website

Plum said...

Any confidence I had in my life is now gone.

MattF said...

I saw a lot of good stuff today working on Muscle ups. For those that worked on them good job. Also remember that the alternate 4/4 pull ups and dips will help you muscle ups. So if you have time today go back and do another WOD. Maybe a few of us can get together later on in the day. I did not do the WOD today, my scabs opened up and I started bleeding. But about a week ago I did this WOD for the first time and post 9:38 for 30 muscle ups. Keep up the hard work.

Mac said...

Here's some of Part II of the War College speech, and I think it's right on. Anyone have the full 12 minute Part II?

Michael said...

The second half:

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Muscle ups are hard!!! I got a few but not enough to even sniff as Rx'd. I will be going back later to do the 120/120. Keep up the good efforts. See you in the morning for some CrossFit Friday. Chris V. came up with this one and it looks like we may build on some stuff from last week.

Go Cubs said...

got 22 somewhere b/w 10 and 12 mins, i looked down at the watch a couple of times b/f i gave my last hurrah and i can't remember exactly where it was, when i went for 23 the blisters i had formed during the WOD broke, so i had to call it a day

Alviso said...

i still need to learn how to do the muscle ups so i decided to go for the 120/120. i ran out of time in the morning trying to finish the pull ups so i ended up squeezing out a few more sets of dips and finished with 59 pull ups and 160 dips

NM said...

26:04. What a humbling experience. If MAJ Blackmon hadn't stayed until the end to motivate/yell at me, I'd still be in Hayes trying to knock out the last five right now.

Hope to see you all tomorrow AM for the suck fest that Chris has planned. And you thought last week's Tabata was bad...

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Going to go to Arvin at 1400 for a little extra suck for those of us that were not able to go Rx'd this morning. We're going to go off the main site. Elizabeth...21, 15, 9 reps of 135lb clean and Ring dips. All for time.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Elizabeth as Rx'd

6:28. Felt good to get a heart busting workout in. I felt a like I cheated myself a little this morning. Thanks to Plum, and Colin for the motivation and joining in on the pain.


C V said...

Worked the MU's this morning, but didn't feel like I got the full experience b/c I did them starting with my feet on the ground. Went back and did Grace: 30 C&J @135# in 6:55.

Plum said...

6:45 Elizabeth - my first experience with a woman in quite some time. Needless to say, it was enjoyable...lets have a great one tomorrow!

Maj said...

10:12 as Rx'd. My wrists are gonna have some bruises tomorrow.

BHaley said...

8:45 as RX'd. My wrists are shredded, I guess that's the price you have to pay sometimes.

Michael said...

26:18 for 120 pullups and dips. That was really brutal.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth as rx'd


The cleans really gave me trouble. I was doing them in sets of 3 and 4 by the end of the 1st 21.

nate said...

around 30:00 for pullups and dips

Killed the hands. Cant wait for more tomorrow.

Chris H(ugs) said...

took me 15 mins to do:

0 muscle ups
40 pullups
40 dips
(those last two were completed in sets of four)

I think I need some help on my muscle up form...I couldn't even get my body off my knees into the dip position.

T8 said...

30 MUs - 24:02