Friday 1/2/09

For time.

4 rounds of:

400m run
10 x Handstand push ups
30 x Push ups

Post time to comments.

Rest well this weekend. We'll see who slacked off over the holidays and who really worked on Monday.


Black and Gold CrossFit said... shoulders are rocked. On my way back to USMA tomorrow. I hope someone shoveled my driveway.

SB said...

tabata sprints on track (20/10)
total distance covered during 8 iterations: 850m
finished up with some work practicing the 9 moves.
its amazing what "good mornings" did to my hamstrings from the other day.
looking forward to getting back to our rock bound highland home.

Anonymous said...

Lucia Grace Maxwell was born on 30 DEC 08 at 1601. 8lbs 11 oz. Mom and baby are fine.

I celebrated with Fran today, 5:44 (pr). Not bad after only 5 hours sleep over the last two days.....

Go Cubs said...

Clean and Press ladder
1st min 1 rep, 2nd min 2 reps, etc

7 reps on final min