Wednesday, 25 JULY 2012

Today we will have a little fun on a modified version of the IOCT!

Let's meet in the '62 room and warm-up and then we will go up to Hayes Gym to get after it!

3 rounds for time:
Low crawl, step through the tires, and hop over the pommel horse.
5 x bar muscle-ups (sub w/ 10 x chest to bar pull-ups)
30 x rowers
Jump through tire, across the balance beam, do a front roll, and then
2 x climb over the 7 foot wall (yes, you will go over twice)
Cross the monkey bars (aka horizontal ladder) & return to the start and repeat.

Post time to comments.


Joe W said...

This was fun, and relevant. Enjoyed working on the skills.
13:36, not rx. Got my first 4 Bar MUs this morning.

Adam said...

Today was a nice 'constantly varied' day involving functional movements - ya never know when you need a scale a fence...twice! I scaled to 10 C2B pull-ups each round...just couldn't get myself up and on top. Congrats to LTC W and Matt for knocking out some bar MUs today!

I think my time was 11:44, but I could be wrong. I keep a timer for all and can't exactly recall my time.

Mickey said...

40 rounds of tabata sprints on the treadmill

20min total
13.3 min of work at 10mph = 2.2 miles of speed work