Happy Presidents' Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. Here is an anywhere WOD which means you have no excuse for skipping out! Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn...then get this WOD in! Home, barracks, or on the train...knock it out, don't be lame!! Okay, I'm not a rapper and won't try, just get it done, post your results to comments and don't lie!
200 x push-ups for time.
Every time you rest (defined as your knees touch the ground), knock out 10 air squats.
Compare to: http://blackandgoldcrossfit.blogspot.com/2011/10/monday-10-october.html
Post time to comments and number of squats if you can remember!
It was nice and quiet in the gym today at 0900. I hope everyone had a great long weekend.
My old time for this WOD was 12:12 with 90 squats. This time:
10:21 with 90 squats.
8:06 with 5 or 6 squat sessions mixed in.
Note: I got an unfair amount of rest when a marine recruiter called my cellphone right after i hit 100 and i paused my watch. Kind of a funny conversation after telling the SSG that i'm currently enrolled at West Point.
So that allowed me to knock out the rest in sets of 20ish.
Tweaked shoulder from OHS on Sunday = no push-ups for Erin.
200 sit-ups, instead, unbroken - 6:55.
Sandhurst tomorrow morning, so no B&G.
12:25 with 80 squats
I came out and tried to be a hero, but got crushed towards the end
120 squats
17:48 with 100 air squats
I took my sweet time. Texting in the middle of the WOTD doesn't really work.
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