Tuesday 7/28/09

For time.

30 x Muscle up

Post time to comments.

Compare to 6/15/09


Jimmy said...

Crossfit made the cover of the "Off Duty" section (the back side) of the latest Army Times. It is a large article that covers the main aspects of Xfit.

Chris said...


First time completed as Rx'd.

SB said...

8:47 as rx'd
It was good to be in there with the crew.

Unknown said...

14:30 as rx'd

Bring your running belt and running shoes for tomorrow

JWhips said...

18:40 as rx'd
This is great for me because I have only gotten 1 MU before. Thanks to Neal and Shawn for the help this morning.

NM said...


Motivating effort by Jason and the Morning Crew in general this AM...

Jimmy said...

23:53. Did the 120 x Pull-up and Dip substitute.

Anonymous said...

I did the CrossFit main page workout....one rep first minute, two second minute...etc of clean and jerk at 135lb. I completed 5 and did about 3 on the sixth. My friend was doing them at 95lb so he was still going, so I sat there for a minute after I failed, got mad that he was still working, and did a set of 6 or 7 with 115. Good workout.

Anonymous said...

No luck with the muscle-ups today. That may have been a result of spending the entire day on the AASLT obstacle course. Instead I did:

3 rounds

500m row
21 x 1 1/2 pood KBS
1 rope ladder climb (underside at 45 degree angle)


JJ said...

10:30 as Rx'd