Thursday, 21 June 2012

Meet up at 0530 in the '62 room and get after it!

5 rounds for time:
12 x sumo deadlift high pull (95/65)
50 x double-unders (3:1 single sub)
25 x weighted sit-ups (20/14)

Post time to comments.


JC said...

As RXd: 15:03

Definitely felt the all the previous WODs from this week. Especially in the shoulders. Good work by the crew. Sam L. was a machine on this WOD.

Adam said...

that was a smoker! SDHP got really hard, really fast! Nice work by the early risers!!

as rx'd 15:26

Mickey said...

20 minutes of underwater swimming.

Paused the clock when I came up for air and rested.

Not sure how long the pool was but it took me between 10 and 15 seconds to get across depending on if I used only arms, only legs, or both.