Tuesday 9/29/09

Got this idea from a workout on CrossFit Boston. It is meant to test you as much mentally as it does physically. This is Black and Gold's version of...


For time.

20 -10 reps of:

1/2 Body weight push press/jerk
Pull up
Sit up
Double under
Push up
Kettle bell swing (70lb/53lb)

All sets must be unbroken. If you break a set you have to start back at 0. Just to be clear, here is what broken means for each exercise.
Push press/jerk: Putting the bar down.
Pull up: Coming off the bar
Sit up: Standard Army rules
Double under: Either you do all of them in a row or you don't. Sub is 4 regular for 1 DU.
Push up: Standard Army rules
Kettle bell swing: Putting the kettle bell down

Post time to comments.


NM said...

I know this is a late post, but if you happen to see this and have your own jump rope, please bring it to the gym tomorrow AM. Thanks...

Chris said...

7:34 w/ 90 LB Push press (BW 175)

My forearms hurt so bad it's hard to type.

Thanks for the push J.

Vanilla Gorilla said...

PJ: 80 lbs
Sub Box Jumps fo DUs

It was just as much mental as physical.

Maj said...

Had a bad case of THS tpday Good group this morning, it helped.

7:38 with box jumps

Gregg said...

10:06, 95 lb push press, subbed in box jumps. MAJ Whipple... I want your double under skills

JWhips said...

5:38 as Rx'd w/ 90lb PP (BW 175)

The 70lb KBS were tough. Luckily I got straight through the DUs. Thanks to Dubbs for sticking with me.
Good WOD.

SB said...

APFT this morning.
94x PU (no change)
91x SU (improved by 2 since Apr)
12:13 2mi (improved by 9secs)
score: 344

Look forward to doing today's wod if i can fit it in today. Looks like fun.

Chewy said...

9:50 w/ 80lb Push press (BW 160)
Sub box jumps for DU

Sodak said...

75 Pj (140) and squats for jumps (stress fracture)35 lb kb.

VW said...

8:30 with 95# push press. Awesome workout

Anonymous said...

I'm confused: is the wod one "set" all the way through? 10 reps a piece?

Anonymous said...

As I learned this morning, after doing sets of 20 and 19 of all exercises, this WOD is only one set of 20 and one set of 10 of each. I mistakenly thought I was supposed to do 20, 19, 18, 17... which would have taken half of the day.

With the extra work, which makes me that much stronger...8:10.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

9:19...I hate double unders. Must have been stuck on the 10 reps of DU for 3+ minutes. Got to 8 3 or 4 times and missed. HUGE GOAT for me!

SM said...

9:17 w/ 95 LB Push Press (195)
Sub Box Jumps for DUs

Unknown said...

B&G in Chi-town!!
I was directed by NM not to get fat while on leave....so I found the local community center this morning and introduced functional fitness.

Like Mac, I got to 19 PP and realized that I'm a big idiot. Going into the workout thinking I had to progressively step down messed with my head big time. The intensity was not there thinking I had to do 165 reps of each.

BW - 195#
PP - 100#
Pull-up - had to dead hang so unbreakable was impossible after PP
DU - subbed 24" box jumps
KB - 55#

Need to redo this workout when I get back.

NM said...

5:41 w/85 lb PJ (BW=170)...also had feet anchored for the SUs.

A bunch of great efforts out there this AM...lot of people sticking with it even though they had to work through broken sets repeated times...great work.

LDO said...

BW 160: PJ: 85
completed 100 singles first iteration.
completed 10 2x second round.

Going into the workout, I thought I would do "something extra" after this workout. I had no such thoughts at completion. Great workout.

JWM said...


I used 90 lbs for PP (BW = 180)

Managed to get through all of them except the jump rope without breaking sets. I went straight to the sub (4:1) and got to about 25 on the first time through before starting over again.

I also screwed up and did my second set of push-ups after my KBS because I forgot about them initially.

ChadC said...


95 lbs PP

Somehow got the double unders without wasting too much time. I too would like J-Whips skills.

JJ said...

5:38 / 85# PP and 53#KB. No excuse not to use the 70 lbers today, will make up for it next time...

Unknown said...

10 mins

85 lb push press, box jumps.

Anonymous said...

0550- Badger 33:40 (4 minute improvement from July 4th 2009)

1550- Unbreakable


No broken sets, subbed 4:1 for DUs, used 80lbs for PP (BW-155)