Friday, 2 NOVEMBER 2012

Announcements - if you are competing against Air Force, then please do not feel compelled to come to the WOD this morning unless you want to practice the movements.  For those who would like to cheer on Army against Air Force in CrossFit, come to the 3rd floor weight room at 1730.  Competition lasts until approximately 1900.

Today we will meet in the 3rd Floor Weight Room.

Equipment needed - TOWEL!! + two lifting platforms and two benches. 

Warm-up and instruction - Matt will demo the power clean and Adam will demo the bench press.  Everyone will have an opportunity to practice each movement.


Partner WOD!  Find someone of near equal ability level and pair up!

3 rounds for max reps of:
AMRAP 3 - Power Cleans (135/95)
AMRAP 3 - Body weight bench press (load = average of combined body weight)

NOTE:  You and your partner have 3 minutes to complete as many Power Cleans as possible.  You can break up the rep scheme however you'd like, but only one person can lift at any time.  Once 3 minutes is up, move to bench. You have 1 minute to transition and adjust weights, etc.
NOTE2:  For bench press it's the same plan as above.  Your partner spots while you lift and switch out as needed.  After 3 minutes, you have 1 minute to transition back to power cleans for Round 2.
NOTE3:  Record number of reps for each exercise per round. 
NOTE4:  if we are tight on space, we may need to have some groups start on bench so we have both bench and power cleans continuously occupied.
NOTE5:  Bring a towel. 

Post partner's name, weight used, and number of reps per event per round to comments. 


Adam said...

what a great way to close out the week! Tough WOD, but great to have a partner (Matt) pushing me!

PC @ 135: 32/27/26
BP @ 185: 45/30/25


Matt said...


Adam has already posted our score. Great WOD. Without a partner, that WOD would have been a totally different story, and not a good one. Great week. Now lets get ready for the WOD for Warriors next Friday.