Thursday, 2 AUGUST 2012

Bring your reflective belt and meet up in the '62 room.

The first part is untimed and for maximum load.  Take your time and focus on proper form.

Deadlift 3-3-3

Rest as needed and then:

Run 1 mile for time.

NOTE:  Run starts from the steps of Arvin, around Trophy Point, past Lincoln Hall, to the Officer's Club, then cross the street, run past Patton Statue, to Diagonal Walk, and then back to Arvin Gym.

Post loads for deadlifts and time for the run to comments.


Mickey said...

5 rounds:
max reps ring dips
rest 1 minute
max reps pushups
rest 1 minute

RD:13, 7, 9, 9, 8
PU:41, 25, 20, 21, 18

last 3 rounds of RD's, i used a foot to help.

going back to Michigan tomorrow. I'll be able to get in some weights finally.

jswobe said...

DL: 285 - 315 - 350

1 mile: 7:06