Friday, 17 AUGUST 2012

For today's WOD, we will meet up in the '62 for a brief warm-up and discuss the route and then we will step off no later than 0545 so we have maximum time to complete.

Tour of West Point, east side!  It's probably about a 5 km route, but it will incorporate hills and stairs!

Start point:  Front of Arvin
Route:  Arvin, to Mac Statue, down Diagonal Walk, to Thayer Road, run down Thayer Road towards Thayer Gate/Buffalo Soldiers' Field, at the main intersection PRIOR to Buffalo Soldiers' Field, take a left and head down towards South Dock.  Cross the railroad tracks and run to the River Courts and up the big, nasty Stairway to Hell.  Run the ramp and stairs to the top, which brings you out by the Officer's Club, take a right, run around Trophy Point, by the flagpole, back to Arvin gym, and then inside Arvin and run up the Stairway to Heaven to the very top.  Time starts when you reach the top.

NOTE:  Keep track of what time it is and if you are cutting it close to when you need to be back in the barracks to make formation, call minutes, etc., then cut the route short.  Probably best place to cut it short is after you go to the top of the Stairway to Hell by the Officer's Club, simply run across the street, past Patton Statue and the Library, and head back to your barracks room.  CrossFit is NEVER an excuse for being late to formation, so plan accordingly.

NOTE2:  You will need to wear a reflective belt and watch out for traffic!

Post time to comments.


jck said...
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jck said...

Cadets have an early formation tomorrow. Looks like a great route!

Adam said...

I'm glad Matt was running with me this morning, otherwise I don't think I would have pushed myself as hard.

23:23 on a beautiful morning and a nice course

jswobe said...

Greetings, B&G!

Just to let you know - I haven't quit. I am just working a month behind. You don't care why, and it doesn't really matter. The point is that I'm still after it and I still appreciate the work put into the programming and the blog. Keep it up!


Matt said...


I'm glad Adam was running with ME this morning, otherwise I would have been a lot slower.


Mickey said...

Foot/ankle is jacked up so i need to stay off the running/sprints for a little bit.

Went for some strength today.
Bench: 160x5,5,5
OHS: 65x5, 95x5, 115x3, 135x1
Bad idea after yesterday

AMRAP2 Muscle ups: 10

JC said...


Did an equivalent run on Saturday. Same route, but started and finished at Grant. Subbed run to top,of the 38th division, instead of Arvin stairs.

ErinM said...

WP Triathlon on Sunday. 1:33:17 (for 800 m swim, 22km bike, and 5km run)

jswobe said...

Traveling...mapped out a 5K route here in Greenville, SC.

Felt like 5K, but it was pitch dark at 6:30 in the I was stopping and trying to read road signs most of the way. Comical, to have seen me, I'm sure!
