Friday, 17 June

Today's WOD is a bit West Point specific, but can be adapted for any other location with a pull-up bar.

Meet initially in '62 to warm-up, stretch, tell war stories, etc. and then head to Hayes Gym for the following:

Monkey bar pull-ups*
25 x Rowers (ab exercise from the APRT)
25 x walking lunge steps (total, not per leg)

*For Monkey bar pull-ups, simply do one pull-up per rung of a set of monkey bars.  Once you complete the pull-up, you use your mad monkey bar skills to swing to the next bar and knock out a pull-up and continue this process until the end.  If you reach failure at any point, drop off, rest as needed, go to the start of the monkey bars and then swing across to whatever bar you failed on and knock out a pull-up and continue the pull-up process until the end.

NOTE:  For Hayes Gym there are 14 total rungs on the monkey bars.  Kipping is authorized.
NOTE2:  If monkey bars aren't available at your location, do 14 x strict pull-ups per round.


Adam said...

Wow, monkey bar pull-ups was much harder than expected.

1 round as rx'd with unbroken trip across bars.

2nd round grip started to fail, had to drop off at 5, 7, 8, 9, and then hand tore at #10.

then modified to 50 x rowers and 50 x lunges and completed 1.5 rounds of that.

Glad JC and Matt were there to share the pain!

Matt said...


We definitely under-estimated the monkey bars. Every time you think you're getting fit, getting stronger etc, something new comes out of the hopper.

2 rounds as Rx'd then I scaled to just getting across the bars with one pull-up at the end. I completed one more full round and then monkey bars plus 8 rowers.

jswobe said...

Wow. Sorry I missed all that monkey bar fun...I think.

I modified today's WOD to:

10 pull-ups
15 APRT rowers
20 walking lunges w/45-lb plate overhead
15 heavy bag strikes (punches/kicks)
5 spin kicks

4.5 rounds


Have a great weekend!

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

JC said...

0 rounds as rx'd - but I'd still call it a success. Made it across the bars unbroken with a pullup at the end for the last two sets.

Adam - way to build a WOD to keep the crew humble. Enjoyed sharing the pain.