Monday 5/4/09

GI Jane

For time.

100 x Burpee pull up

Post time to comments.


Xan said...

Me and my buds first time out to Black and Gold CrossFit. It was a great workout and we had a blast. Thanks for all the help.

Don't have a time, forgot my watch.

Train wReck said...
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Train wReck said...

Yeah first time out thanks to MAJ Mayo for making us feel welcome I didn't have a watch either.

Vanilla Gorilla said...


Great workout this morning,I love the new gym.

CMCD said...

Rx: 14:54

Tough workout to start off the week right.

Griff said...


Good start to the last week of classes.

Chat said...


Got some good torn up callouses to pick at during class

Gregg said...

Hey its Gregg, the timer kept restarting, I lost track. I got somewhere between 15 and 17. It was nice getting back into it.

SB said...

14:08 (PR) took almost 4:00 off my previous time

RW said...


Mac said...

11:50. Great way to start the week, and in the new gym, too. How do we get the tunes cranked up in that room?

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

13:18 (PR)...this was the first time that muscle failure didn't kick in and slow me down. Now I just have to work on the transitions.

Anonymous said...

18:33 for me.

Stroh's Lite said...

16:43 I did a hang then a kip each time I mounted the bar vs jumping half way into the pullup. A little slower but an ideal time to work on 100X one count kipping pullups.

Will said...


Have a nice new callus that tore off around rep 97. Fun workout.

2LT Brian P.Smith said...


Anonymous said...

17:09 (PR by 40 seconds)...couldn't get into a good rhythm.

NM said...


Good to see some new E3 Eagles out there this AM.

DF said...


Anonymous said...

8:38 in Hayes with jumping pullups

Michael said...

1413 in Hayes.

Unknown said...


J-Chap said...

16:24, started coming last week with the A3 crew. Hard workouts and a good group of guys.

CLG said...

11:57 used one of the blocks for the latter 80 or so to help grab the new bars.

BHaley said...

11:15 for me, 12:55 for Steve, hooah.

N G said...

12:04 in the Crossfit gym off bars on top of the squat racks.

Unknown said...
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Maj said...


Anonymous said...

9:44 in Hayes. But I had to stop after 30 reps because gymnastics AI started the IOCT, so I took about a 2-3 minute break. The actual time would've been about 11 minutes or so.