There was obviously a little confusion on this one so here goes the explanation. Ideally, you would scale this so that you could complete the 20 rounds, but more importanly maintaining the intensity for 20 minutes was the key. I don't think this was a problem for anyone who did this workout.
I did notice some things this morning that I want to point out. Some of the front squats I saw this morning were awful. Look, please do not be so prideful that you do something incorrectly in an effort to do more weight. As you can see from my numbers, I had to scale so I could maintain proper form. I could have kept it at 165 and widened my stance, or not gone all the way down, but trust me in the long run that will lead to injury and is not safe.
Here are the major points of performance on a squat. You should be saying these in your head everytime you do this movement. 1. Feet shoulder width apart turned slightly out at an angle so that you knees can track over them. 2. Weight on your heals. Wiggle your toes if you need to but keep your weight back on those heels. 3. Butt back, chest up and pull yourself down where you hips are below your knees. This will help you maintain that natural arch in your back.
Again, if you see someone doing this incorrectly, let them know. This program only makes sense if it is done safely.
16 rounds in 20 min. First 7 with 105, then 95 to finish. Probably could have used more weight but worked on form. My form feels a lot better in the past two weeks.
Check back on Wednesday 28Jan for the last time we did 1RM Front Squat to get you weight
18 rounds in 20 min. finished 20 in 2330.
squat weight - 140
16 rounds in 20 min. Still new to the acronyms and didn't realize I needed to finish all 20 rounds. Squat 95lb.
Need to get better at weighted WOD. Good workout
14 rounds, first 6 mins @ 225, then had to scale to 175, the 225 killed me
rnds 1-10 @225#
rnds 11-14 @205#
rnds 15-20 @185#
17 rounds in 20 minutes at 135lbs. Thought we were going for time and not sets. Oops.
rnds 1-2 145lbs
rnds 3-5 135lbs
rnds 6-8 115lbs
rnds 9-20 95lbs
legs are smoked. amazing how this WOD got the heart rate going.
20 rounds @ 175 lbs.
Great workout.
20 rounds.
1-11 @ 165lb
12-15 @ 155lb
16-20 @ 145lb
There was obviously a little confusion on this one so here goes the explanation. Ideally, you would scale this so that you could complete the 20 rounds, but more importanly maintaining the intensity for 20 minutes was the key. I don't think this was a problem for anyone who did this workout.
I did notice some things this morning that I want to point out. Some of the front squats I saw this morning were awful. Look, please do not be so prideful that you do something incorrectly in an effort to do more weight. As you can see from my numbers, I had to scale so I could maintain proper form. I could have kept it at 165 and widened my stance, or not gone all the way down, but trust me in the long run that will lead to injury and is not safe.
Here are the major points of performance on a squat. You should be saying these in your head everytime you do this movement.
1. Feet shoulder width apart turned slightly out at an angle so that you knees can track over them.
2. Weight on your heals. Wiggle your toes if you need to but keep your weight back on those heels.
3. Butt back, chest up and pull yourself down where you hips are below your knees. This will help you maintain that natural arch in your back.
Again, if you see someone doing this incorrectly, let them know. This program only makes sense if it is done safely.
125# for the first five rounds, then dropped down to 115. Did all 20 rounds in 20 minutes. Tough workout.
20 sets with 165 lbs. The little break between sets seemed to get shorter as time went by...great workout.
16 rounds at 175lbs in 20 mins
My legs have been trembling walking up and down steps all day.
rds 1-11 @165 lbs
rds 12-20 @155 lbs
16 rounds in 20 min. First 7 with 105, then 95 to finish. Probably could have used more weight but worked on form. My form feels a lot better in the past two weeks.
20 rounds @ 185. I did the first round at 205 then scaled it down.
First 3 rounds at 155 - went down to 135 for the last 20. 20 rounds in 20 minutes.
19 rds
185 1-8
175 9-15
165 16-19
Posting late...
I did all 20 rds but not RX'd
Round 1) 215lbs(my 75% of max)\
Rounds 2-7) 185 lbs
Rounds 8-20) 145lbs
Rounds 1-18 155# (Rx'd weight)
Rounds 19-20 145#
Absolute brutality
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