Tuesday 2/3/09

For time.

15-12-9-6-3 reps of:

225lb Dead lift
Gym loop

Perform 1 x gym loop after each set of dead lifts. Sub for gym loop is 400m. Female Rx'd weight is 155lb.

Post time to comments.


Chris H(ugs) said...

what is a gym loop?

Chewy said...

i was wondering that too...

Anonymous said...

Gym Loop:

From the 3rd Floor Weight Room, turn right out the doors, go down the stairs to the first floor, run to the stairway to heaven and follow to the 3rd floor, run back to the weight room and back into the same door which you left.

Plum said...

It was a great workout. My time was not as good as I would have liked, but I offer no excuse.
...so during my run I saw some people pointng at me and I heard one say, "Isn't that the guy from the movie 300, King Leonidas?"
I must be doing something right!!!

dan09 said...

rx'd - 15:19

Anonymous said...

rx'd - 13:39

usarmychick09 said...

Rx'd (female weight 155lbs) - 18:32

Mac said...

12:46. Not as emotionally painful as yesterday, but good times.

MattF said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

14:08...need to work on my form

C V said...

12:44. The stairs suck.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

11:55...another heart breaker, but fun.

Plum...I saw you running and I think maybe you were hallucinating due to the lack of oxygen. But, you are doing something right!

Good work out there from the morning crew...lots of motivation and camaraderie.

MattF said...

rx'd 11:26
My legs are still burning...

Vanilla Gorilla said...

As rx'd 13:06.

NM said...


Anonymous said...

Dana 11:37
Peter 14:05
Felt a lot better working out than I did Monday morning

RW said...

11:05 as rxed

CMCD said...

First time out there this morning... 12:12

Go Cubs said...

12:26, gym loops were brutal

Chat said...

12:11 as rx'd

Michael said...

12:35 with 185#. Good workout.

T8 said...

15:09 with 205lbs

DF said...

rx'd - 11:20

Chris H(ugs) said...

18:17 as Rx'd

that little gym loop had me smoked. I did most of my sets in 2-4 rep sets.

Chuck Norris said...

13:27 for the workout. Definitely tough. DLs were scaled down to 205 and were a great exercise. I hope I can walk tomorrow, let alone round-house kick.

Anonymous said...
