CrossFit Friday 2/13/09

Slugs and Kisses (A Valentine's Partner workout)

Meet at 2nd Floor Gym 0530, bring a towel.

For time with a partner.

Station 1: 2nd Floor Gym
Fireman's Carry x length of the court and back
Circle push ups, 1 minute clockwise, 1 minute counter-clockwise
Piggy back carry x length of the court and back
1 partner plank other partner does elevated push ups x 1 minute

Station 2: Hayes Gym
22 x towel pull ups, partner does flutter kicks
2 x rope climbs (10ft, 15ft, 20ft = 1 rope climb), partner does iron abs
22 x Burpees, partner is in the plank
2 x lap around the track with med ball overhead, partner does wall sit

Station 3: 3rd Floor Weight Room
22 x Plate thrusters (25% body weight)
1 x Gym loop
22 x Plate sit ups (25% body weight)
1 x Gym loop

Post time to comments.


C V said...

Have to do PDO stuff tomorrow morning. Look forward to trying to find a buddy to agree to make this one up with me. Can't wait to check out some affiliates when I go home this weekend.

Chuck Norris said...

Great Workout. Was tempted to roundhouse kick some people for not doing all the towel pull-ups. Otherwise, nice WOD. Doing plank with partner pushups last definitely topped off the workout. Slugs and kisses for everyone. Have a great weekend.

SB said...

plan on doing Jackie with a cherry on top later today around 1100 if there are any takers???

For time:
1000m row
50 thrusters (45lbs)
30x pullups
5 min rest
21-15-9 Overhead squat(95lbs)

Unknown said...

Great workout to send us into a long weekend.

Anonymous said...

~35-40 min. I was having a bad time of it this morning. My ankle said, "screw you," on the gym loops and I had to sub power-squats for the buddy carries. I'm looking forward to a long rest weekend. Everyone enjoy!!!

Mac said...

Knocked out a quick "Mary" this morning (20 min of 5-HS PUs, 10-one legged squats, 15-pullups). Finished 10 rounds, and surprisingly had the toughest time with the pullups.
Enjoy that "cherry on top" SB...those burpees are gonna be niiice.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

32:36. Great workout. I'm pretty much feeling it all over.

For those of you who skipped out this morning and need a make up, let me offer you a couple of options.

1. Meet up with MAJ Bault at 1100 and do the Jackie with a cherry on top or...

2. 45 x 20" box jumps
45 x 135lb Squat cleans
45 x Ring dips or 90 x bar dips
45 x 20" box jumps

Let me know how it goes. Good work this week.

There will be a workout posted for Monday. Don't let the long weekend make you weak.

Anonymous said...

Did a variation of option 2:

45 x Double Unders
45 x 135# Squat Cleans
45 x Ring Dips
45 x Double Unders


SB said...

Jackie w/ a cherry on top (as Rx'd)

16:11(PR) my previous time was 21:52 from NOV08 so huge INCREASE in WORK CAPACITY! Great WOD!