Friday, 15 June 2012

The CrossFit / Functional Fitness Room is OPEN, so the 0530 classes will resume as normal.

Warm-Up/Skill Work:
- work on hand-stand progressions and hand-stand walks (scale hand-stand walks by having a partner hold your feet/legs to give you some stability/support while you walk on your hands)
- complete 3 rounds of 7 burpee broad jumps

WOD: "CINDY" with a Twist
5 Rounds of:
- Complete 3 rounds of CINDY (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)
- 5 Power Cleans (135/85)

** You will complete 15 total rounds of CINDY, but after every 3 rounds, you will complete 5 Power Cleans.  Do the math and you will end up doing a total of 25 Power Cleans in this WOD.

Post your overall time and weight used for the power cleans to the comment section.


Matt said...


Great WOD. I saw Jason Kalipa do this one a few years back, but I've never tried it. Good work by the crew there this morning.

As Rx'd: 18:42

JC said...

16:55 @ 95 PC (135 is still a bit too much for me)

Tough WOD, but a great one!

leighgust said...

awesome WOD. I can't wait to do this one!!!

Mickey said...

Jogged half mile to a local elementary school playground:

4x 400m w/ 90 sec rest
5 rounds of
10x pullups
10x pushups
10x t2b

Cashed out w/ 100 double unders
Jogged home.

It was untimed but I felt like death the whole time so intensity was good.

EJ Gust said...

That was a good one! I substituted squat cleans for the power cleans to focus on better form for heavier loads in the future.
