Friday 6/12/09


15-12-9 reps of:

Clean and Jerk

Touch and go at floor only. Even a re-grip off the floor is a foul. No dumping. Use same load for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

Each foul = 25 Burpees

Post loads to comments.

**Unsolicited Advice Warning**

This is one of those workouts that looks a lot easier than it is. Your forearms and shoulders will be screaming. Not being able to regrip on the floor adds a whole new level of pain and doing 25 burpees for every foul just adds insult to injury. A regrip in the hang or while in the clean catch position is authorized.


Anonymous said...

Check out the CrossFit Journal. There is a new article about Black and Gold!

Mac said...

Haven't taken the time to post over the last few days as we work through the joys of CFT.
Did 23 rds for Cindy yesterday, and today worked shoulder press (1 rep-95,115,125,135,145), push press (3 reps-115,135,155,165,175), and push jerk (5 reps-115,155,175,185,190(f),185).
Glad to see quite a few WOD variations being worked out here at Buckner, as cadets figure out how to use the equipment available to train. Now if only it will stay dry for a few days...

RW said...

135lbs as rx'd (no fouls)

I probably should have gone up 10lbs today because I felt pretty strong at 135lbs. I would like to see where my Grace time is at right now based on today's results.

DanH said...


foul on the 14th rep of the first set

NM said...

135 lbs as rx'd.

This was a great workout for me...not only was it a great physical challenge, but it was just as challenging, or more, mentally.

I think 135 was the right weight for me...though I managed to squeak out all the reps without a foul, I think if I had gone any heavier, my form would've been pretty bad.

Real excited to see B&G in the CF Journal today! Great work by all involved there.

Have a good weekend...see you on Monday.

Anonymous said...

115# as rx'd.

My 11th rep of 12 was not a full lockout overhead....

Jimmy said...

Very difficult workout indeed. I never thought this would be that tough. 95# with two fouls. HR was up to 179 throughout.

Solmonson said...

Question concerning CFT - how much equipment is available for use? I'd like to know so I can plan workouts accordingly. Thanks.

Sodak said...

I liked this workout, I probably should have went heavier though... I tried to step it up the last two sets. No fouls. Bama and I finished it up strong.

Anonymous said...

135# with two faults. Forearms were mad at me.

Will said...

125 as rx'd (3 fouls)

Should have been 5-10 pounds lighter, first time working out after a week vacation. Good way to get back in, thoug