Wednesday 5/20/09

Nasty Girls

For time.

3 rounds of:

50 x Squat
7 x Muscle up
10 x Hang power clean (135lb/95lb)

Post time to comments.

Here is the video that made this workout famous.


RW said...

10:40 as rx'd

We set the rings really low for muscle ups (this was one of MAJ Blackmon's take aways from the gymnastic cert this last weekend) and I thought this would make muscle ups harder, but they were actually alot easier because I had to get rid of my big kip and focus on being efficient with my transition.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

11:59 as rx'd

First time as rx'd. Felt good through the first 4 muscle ups every time but then had to really focus on the last 3. Great workout. Glad to be back among the living.

Anonymous said...

136lb clean (who makes a 3lb weight?)

SB said...

16:04 scaled to 95lbs (PR) increased by 3:34 secs since NOV08.
Good to be back also....been escorting our class of '44.

Hise said...

10:51 but I only did 95LBS. Those air squats hurt!!!

dkeys said...

13:09 started scaled to 115 then held until third round when i dropped to 95...first time do that WOD...good stuff

Gregg said...

11:00 rx'd, the last 4 MU of sets 2 & 3 were jumping, i tried to get it on the 4th rep but couldn't. My form was pretty poor on the power cleans, I didn't stand up after I caught it. Did squats just by touching the ground with my hands.

Anonymous said...

3 rounds of:
50 Squats
21 pull-ups
21 Dips
10 135# HPC


Vanilla Gorilla said...

8:45 with jumping MUs

Then some pull up pratice Flying Fran style