Tuesday, 5 FEBRUARY 2013

Announcements - today we will meet in the '62 room for individual warm-up and then movement to Hayes Gym for the WOD.

Equipment required - motivation and a watch!

Warm-up and instruction - we will briefly discuss each of the events and then give everyone a chance to practice each event.



Cross the horizontal ladder (AKA 'monkey bars')
Climb the rope (make sure you reach the 15' mark)
Run 2.5 laps (approx. 400 meters)
Rest 1 minute as you walk back to the start point

NOTE:  Scale as needed - use the cargo net in lieu of the rope if needed
NOTE2:  the 'rest' is just enough time for you to walk down the stairs and back to the start point!
NOTE3:  We did a similar WOD (only 12 minutes) back on 13 NOV 

Post number of rounds complete to comments.


Adam said...

once again I am impressed at how many early risers we have! Keep up the great work everyone!!

5 rounds complete with exactly 1:00 left.

Matt said...


Great turnout this morning.

I finished 5 rounds and hit the mark on my 6th rope climb.

Caleb McDaniel said...

4 rounds

Adrienne said...

Half a lap short of 4 rounds!

jck said...

4 rds plus monkey bars.
Hands/grip was complaining this morning.

Unknown said...

4 rounds with a very difficult last rope.

Nate said...

5 rounds flat (with that extra minute ending 2 seconds before time ran up; I got 1-2 of the horizontal bars in on the 6th round by the time my watch went off)

ErinM said...

4 rounds + 1.5 laps

I used the med ball and baton as if running the last part of the IOCT.

jswobe said...

No monkey bars, no rope (yet!).

So, instead:

Bench Press: 5-5-5-5

"Polish Crippler" (from The WOD Shop)
100 burpees for time, but do 15x double-unders every minute on the minute.
(although the WOD Shop Rx'd it at 10x double-unders per minute...I dialed it up and paid the price...)


That was a smoker!


Bench Press, 2 reps @ bodyweight every minute for ten minutes