Thursday, 11 OCTOBER 2012

Announcements:  West Point WOD for Warriors - sign-up at:

Equipment needed:  Set-up boxes for box jumps and bring your jump rope!!

Warm-up and instruction:  We still start off with a brief demo of each of the movements and give everyone a chance to practice each.  We need to start the WOD NLT 0540 in order to give everyone enough time to complete the WOD.


Here is a twisted version of everyone's favorite...Beat the Clock!!!

30 minute time limit...see if you can make it the whole way and beat the clock!!

With a constantly running clock, start with 1 rep of the first exercise listed below (handstand push-ups) and then continue to add one additional rep per minute for as many minutes as you can until you can no longer complete all the reps within the minute.  Once you cannot complete the designated exercise, move to the next on the list and pick up the total reps where you left off.  Continue this process until you either go through the entire list or 30 minutes is complete.

Exercises (complete in this order....move to the next when you can't complete all the reps in the designated minute):

Handstand push-ups
Strict pull-ups
Box jumps
Hand release push-ups

Example of what it might look like (individual results will obviously vary!):
1st minute: 1 HSPU
2nd minute: 2 HSPUs
3rd - 7th minute: 3, 4, 5, 6, and then 7 HSPU (fail at this point)
8th minute: 8 x strict pull-ups
9th minute: 9 x strict pull-ups
10th - 12th minute: 10, 11, and 12 strict pull-ups (fail at this point)
13th minute: 13 box jumps
14th - 19th minute: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 box jumps (fail at this point)
20th minute: 20 x hand release push-ups
21st - 25th minute: 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 push-ups (fail at this point)
26th minute: 26 x double-unders
27th - 30th minute: 27, 28, 29, 30 double-unders...YOU WIN!  You beat the clock!!!

Post time and exercise of last round you were able to complete before the minute expired.  If you beat the clock, simply put the exercise that you were on after 30 rounds were complete.


Adam said...

sorry to miss this morning, I have to drop my son off at day care. I will make-up tomorrow!! Have fun!!

Matt said...


We had a big group this morning. It was great to see.

I beat the clock. It was a challenge until I got to double unders.

HSPU: 1-6
Pull-ups: 7-11
Box jumps: 12-16
Push-ups: 17-21
Double unders: 22-30

Mickey said...

HSPU: 1-10
Pullups: 11-13
Box Jumps: 14-18
HRPU: 19-21
Tuck Jumps/DU's: 22-30

Nate said...

HSPU: 1-4
Pullups: 5-7
Box Jumps: 8-18
HRPU: 19-20
Tuck Jumps: 21-28
Was there situps on the board this morning? I thought it said that, and so I finished my 29-30 with situps...
If I'm wrong, I completely misread it... either way, it was a good workout.

R.K. Barker said...

I had to cut it off at 12 minutes to get back in time. I'll have to leave tomorrow at 6 also.

Pull-Ups: 4-8
Box Jumps: 9-12

It was fun,just wish I could have finished it.

jswobe said...

Fun WOD. I didn't do near as many HSPU or pull-ups as I wanted to do, so I ended up doing about 15 rounds of box jumps (approx rounds 11-25).

I finished the last four or five rounds on double unders...