Monday 4/13/09

For time.

3 rounds of:

1 x Gym loop
10 x Pull ups
15 x Box jumps

Post time to comments.


Chewy said...

time: 8:19

a nice fast paced, painful workout...

C V said...

Got some awesome Hayes lung burn. This one was definitely a deceiving one for me. I thought MAJ Mayo had gone soft on us when I read it. False.

Glad that I started with the gazelles and tried to hang with them on the run. It made it that much more fun.

Anonymous said...


Felt good this morning. Finally a good day after a disappointing week. This is probably the worst Hayes lung that I have ever had. It was great to see so many people out there this morning!

CMCD said...


Nothing like a kick in the butt to start the week. I definitely underestimated this one. Great work this morning all.

MikeRothenb said...

9:21 this morning.

Anonymous said...

my lungs are still hurting!

It was good to see some new faces at the workout this morning

dan09 said...


great group this morning. good to see BGCF growing

Step said...

1430 - pretty rough this morning

Mac said...

8:27 with a 30-inch box. Box definitely slowed the time, but a lower box wouldn't have been as much work. Happy Monday...

SB said...

8:20 w/ 30" box

Black and Gold CrossFit said...


Phenominal group in there this morning.

Arvin lung is kicking my butt, been coughing all morning like a 30 year smoker. Good pain though, nice Monday morning gut check.

MattF said...


Good one this morning. Thanks to MAJ Mayo and MAJ Wylie for keeping pace...sort of.

Demet-hook said...

Did this in the 3rd floor weight room...I could have definately done this faster...

8:31 as RX'd

Demet-hook said...

Used 30 inch box instead of 24 so I guess its not RX'd

Chat said...


Some serious Hayes Lung for the rest of the morning

RW said...


Got a good push (or should I say pull - my goal was to just keep them in sight the whole workout) this morning from Tex and Chat, thanks.

Unknown said...


Felt the black lung.

C V said...

CrossFit Room Update:

Equipment move-in begins on Wednesday.
Stay tuned for more info. We might be soliciting help from the group to move the weights.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

CV--That is some awesome news. I ask that all of us pull together to get this done. Chris has done a great job in making this happen. He has had a whole lot of help from the CF community here but he has pulled a lot of weight. If this was a Fran we would be on the reps of nine.
We are close to being done but still have some ground to cover and it's going to be hard. We need to pull together and get this done right. We will all benefit.

On another note, want to put some food for thought out there on today's workout. When MAJ Mayo originally planned this workout it was 5 rounds. After Dutch took a look at the calendar, he suggested we go to 3 rounds. He said it would suck more as 3 rounds than 5 because there is really no excuse to sham or pace yourself where as with 5 rounds you can talk yourself into pacing some part of the event. What do you guys think? Having done a 5 round workout similar to this one, I can tell you, this one hurt more. Interested in your programming thoughts.


2LT Brian P.Smith said...

8:54, had to use 18 inch box though since gymnastics was going on. finished up with some abs and a row. Good times after a week off.

NM said...


Great group this AM...good to see so many new faces. Let's do it again tomorrow!

Griff said...


Nothing like the black lung. The run was tough

N G said...


Way underestimated this one, my lungs hurt big time. It was deffinitly better to do 3 sets rather than 5, you really couldnt pace yourself.

About 5 guys new to crossfit did this WOD with me, its pretty awesome to see what crossfit has done at WP.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

NG--Tell them to post. It only makes us better.

CLG said...

Thanks N G for the motivation to finally get started with this.

C V said...

I was thinking that exact thing about the 3 rounds instead of 5. I would like to think that I could go all out for 5 rounds but i know that I would pace myself. At 3 rounds, I really felt that I could sprint as hard as could.

dkeys said...

8:00--did this one out of the third floor weight room...felt good to get it done with. I agree with the 3 rounds instead of 5. I was pretty close to seeing Pukie today and probably wouldn't have had it been 5 rounds.

Michael said...

8:00, nice to get back into the swing of things after being sick.

Michael said...

Used an 18" box with two 45 lb bumpers on top. Not exact, but better than nothing. It was tough enough to make myself push hard on the final lap and so the three rounds definitely made me work harder.

TS said...

it was pretty painful.

Hungry Hungry Hippo said...


Tough workout

Volk said...

Had a good day...
