Wednesday, 28 May - GRADUATION DAY!

Congratulations to the Firsties on their graduation! See you guys out there!

WOD: AMRAP 14 (In honor of the Class of 2014)

60 second plank hold
50 jumping jacks
40 sit-ups
30 air squats
20 push-ups
10 handstand kickups

1 comment:

Jacquie said...

Went to Crossfit Peekskill today and did AMRAP 12. 5 front squats, 10 push-ups, 15 box jumps. 5 rounds and 5 box jumps.

The WOD was a 20 minute AMRAP, but my shin had a run in with the edge of the box, my shin lost so I had to stop.

It was a great workout though!