Monday, 12 May

Location: Meet at 0530 in the Powerlifting Room. Or whenever you can get it in.


Bench Press 5-5-5-5

Then up to the '62 Room for:

Dumbbell Fran


DB Thrusters (45/30)
Pull ups

Good Luck on your TEEs this week!!!!

Post results to comments.


ErinM said...

We all agreed to give MAJ Jordan a hard time for not coming this morning. Great group, in any case (sorry to be the slow one).

95-95 (fail at 4) - 75-85-87

12:49 (w/ 12kg KB)

R.K. Barker said...

MAJ Jordan, I sure am glad that Erin and I went, otherwise poor Vinson and Skudra would have been all alone.

Bench: 135-155-155-165-165.

Fran: 5:36.29 w/35 lbs.

Alex Vinson said...

I'm not mad at MAJ Jordan anymore because she gave me donuts at the PL100 TEE, effectively raising my score to over 9000.

It's sad how easily I can be bought with food.

Bench: 65-75-85-95-105

Fran: 6:34 (25# DBs, jumping pullups)

Jacquie said...

Geez! Tough crowd! I told you all on Friday that I would not be there this morning since I had to set up my TEE. I'll be there tomorrow.