Monday, 26 May

Location: Start at the corner of the Comm's house.

WOD: Lee Gate Run

Every 4:00 you will stop and complete exercises as follows:

4:00 - 10 push ups
8:00 - 10 sit ups
12:00 - 10 air squats
16:00 - 20 push ups
20:00 - 20 sit ups
24:00 - 20 air squats
28:00 30 push ups
 Get it? Motivation to run faster!

Post time to comments.


Jacquie said...

I did 4 miles starting at Thayer Roof in 38:16. This means I got up to 30 air squats.

Alex Vinson said...

Did the Lee gate run solo :(

30:36, got to 30 push-ups

ErinM said...

Sorry Alex! Thought I was late, so I started the run.

27:46 (got to 20 air squats)