Thursday, 11 August

Coming up on 3 September there is a WOD to remember the 31 heroes recently killed in Afghanistan.  Check out   I don't know what the WOD will be and there is no requirement to donate to participate, but if you are interested check it out.  A $31 donation gets a 31WOD t-shirt and 100% proceeds go to supporting families of the Fallen 31.  More to follow.

and now for Thursday's WOD:

21-15-9 reps of:

Rowers (ab exercise)
Sumo deadlift high pull (65/45 lbs.)
Overhead carry total steps (65/45 lbs.)

Post time to comments.


Anonymous said...

What address should we put down for our affiliate?

Adam said...

Tex - I sent a note to the 31WOD organizers to 'register' our affiliate. I put my home mailing address as the address. I think they will consolidate t-shirts and send to one address to save on shipping. More to follow.

Adam said...

5:44 for the WOD with scale up to 75 lbs.

Weight was about right to make it tough, but able to maintain intensity.

Nice, fast smoker.

Matt said...


Scaled up to 95lbs: 5:17

Sweddy said...

Scaled up to 95#. 5:47.

LTC Greco said...

Bought my 31 Heroes t-shirt tonight, and I'll be doing the WOD with you next month. Great to see Tex back at things, and I'm loving your programming Adam. We have to get creative with the equipment out here at Shindand, but we make it happen. Miss you guys! -Scott Greco

Adam said...

SG - miss you bro. Will you be in town for 3 SEPT? Coming back to '62? If so, please let me know.

jswobe said...

Sorry...forgot to post yesterday.

5:11 @ 95 lbs

That was fun...

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD