Friday, 06/11/10

So to get back to the fundamentals of "CrossFit" -- constantly varied, functional movements done at high intensity -- Friday's WOD will be drawn from the Hopper Deck at 0545 and then posted on the website at 0700.

3 rounds of:
800m run (5 laps around Arvin track)
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups (GHD, AbMat, anchored, unanchored - dealers choice)

Remember to activate your hamstrings and glutes on the back extensions. Don't just fire your lower back.

Post time to comments.


Unknown said...

Michael. 21:58. Thanks for the push NM. Running after back extensions on the GHD is a weird feeling.

Unknown said...

Did not use the GHD for back extensions but used an AbMat for the sit-ups.

I'll be out Monday through Wednesday but will ensure the workouts are posted.

Shout out to JC on his 36th birthday! Andrea says you get MRE poundcake with a candle in it. Make a wish....

Kings said...

Used GHD for back extensions and did a form of isolation sit-ups. Agree with Chris on the run. My last 800 took me about 600 to start getting my legs back.

Nice finish to the week. I will be headed to Fort Lee on Sunday, but I will continue to use the workouts. I will be back in 8 weeks.

NM said...

Used GHD for back extensions and AbMat for last set of sit-ups. Chris, great work this AM.

Kings...thanks for joining us this week. Enjoyed it. Stay in touch, Bro.

Happy birthday, JC! Good to see you earlier.

Anonymous said...

21:24. Thanks to all for the motivation this morning! Great WOD, especially with others cheering you on, and on a Friday that's a necessity.

Have a great "vacation", Kings, and keep posting!

See the rest of you on monday.

Ryan said...


Great week!