FRIDAY (28 OCT 2016)

-62' Room

-Spend 5 minutes working on handstand Push-ups.  Try for 5x5 kipping if able.


Level 1 = 1 Round
Level 2 = 2 Rounds...but go backwards, so once you do 20 x T2B, you do 20 more!

20 x Pull-ups
30 x KBS (53/35)
40 x Air Squats
50 x Push-ups
100 x Double Unders (200xsingles)
50 x Lunges (25 each leg)
40 x Sit-ups
30 x Goblet Squats (53/35)
20 x Toes 2 Bar

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I capped myself @ 25 Min: Made 1 full round and back up through 20 of 30 Air Squats.