Monday, 14 May 2012

I hope TEEs are off to a good start for all the cadets who are in the process of Beating the Dean!!!!  In addition to studying, there are three critical things you need for maximum performance on your TEEs - adequate SLEEP, proper NUTRITION, and some EXERCISE!!!  In order to have your brain firing on all cylinders, you need to set yourself up for success by getting at least 6 hours of sleep, eating 3 full meals a day (healthy stuff, not junk!!!!), and doing some form of exercise each day - it can be a short jog, playing basketball with your buddies, doing a WOD - whatever gets you to break a sweat and allow your mind to relax for a bit!

If you can make it this week, the morning crew will be there at 0530 in the '62 Room.

Grad Week WOD #1

9-9-5-5-3-3 reps of:


Check out a decent video of the snatch (this is a full squat snatch).

NOTE:  if you've never done the snatch before, then spend the time learning movement at lower weights until you get solid form.  This is NOT a move you want to rush to failure on - your shoulders will not be happy!

Compare to: 27 OCT 2011

Post loads to comments


Mickey said...


Tried to get up to a 1RM, but I'm not there yet with the technique or mentally

Adam said...

nice work Mickey!

I gave myself a rest day this morning. My feet and calves are still a bit sore after running the 10k on Saturday. Last week was a rough one so I figured two rest days (Sun & Mon) were in order!

ErinM said...

I frankly was terrified of the snatches, but worked my way up to the bar:

~20, ~20, ~30, ~30, 45, 45

Getting there...

njc said...


My form's not nearly as good as the other guys' this morning.

Getting better though...

Matt said...


Great TEE week group today. Everyone was working hard. My feet are still hurting, but I was able to snatch. I worked on my full snatch.
