Friday, 31 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.


20:00 AMRAP

15 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings (53/40)
15 Pull ups

Post rounds to comments.

Thursday, 30 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.


Technique day

10-15 min Handstand work
10-15 min muscle up progressions

Wednesday, 29 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the 3rd floor strength room.



Two warm up sets of 5 then,



50 burpees for time

Post load and time to comments.

Tuesday, 28 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.


Every minute on the minute for 20:00

5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB Hang Cleans
5 DB Push Press
5 DB Front Squats

RX M:30 F:20-25

Post thoughts to comments.

Monday, 27 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the 3rd floor strength room.


Back Squat: Two warm up sets, the 5-5-5

Then, Row 2k for time

Post weight and time to comments.

Friday, 24 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.

WOD: For time.

Row 1000m or Run 800m
50 Double Unders (3:1 Single Unders)
Row 750m or Run 600m
75 Double Unders (3:1 Single Unders)
Row 500m or Run 400m
100 Double Unders (3:1 Single Unders)

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, 23 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the 3rd Floor Weight Room.

1 rep, max weight for -
Back Squat

Post-WOD: Run 5k for time sometime today!

Post your results in the comments.

Wednesday, 22 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.

If code red, meet at 0530 inside the 3rd floor entrance of Thayer. To check on code red status, call (845)938-7000 or


5 x Hand stand walk-ups
100 yards of lunges

WOD: Test of Will

You will want friends around you to keep you motivated to work through this one!

10 rounds of:

-:30 handstand hold
-:30 bottom squat hold

Finish (round 11) with max effort holds of each. Score is the total of the 2.

Follow with 100 crunches (not for time).

Tuesday, 21 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in 3rd floor weight room.

Warm up: run 400 m, 20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups


12x bench press (135/100)
24x sit-ups
18x push-ups
30 second plank hold

Friday, 17 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.


"Long Friday"

5 Rounds For Time

Row 400m
20 Burpees
20 sit ups

Cash Out: Stretch

Post time to comments

Thursday, 16 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.


Technique day

10:00-15:00 Handstand Technique work

10:00-15:00 Muscle up technique work

Wednesday, 15 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.


"Dumbell Fran"


Dumbell Thrusters (45/30)
Pull ups

Cash Out: Mobility Work, Hip Flexor Stretch

2 min per side , yes...again, it's good for you.

Post time in comments.

Tuesday, 14 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the 3rd floor weight room.


Deadlift 5-5-5-5

50 burpees for time

Cash Out: Mobility Work, Hip Flexor Stretch

2 min per side , yes...again, it's good for you.

Post time in comments.

Monday, 13 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.

WOD: "Rowing Helen"

Three Rounds for Time:

Row 500m
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull ups

Cash Out: Mobility Work, Hip Flexor Stretch

2 min per side

Post time in comments.

Friday, 10 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.

WOD: "Filthy Fifty" (modified)

50 Box jumps
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Dumbbell swings (35/25 lbs)
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Dumbbell Push press (35/25lbs)
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots (20/14 lbs)
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Post time in comments.

Thursday, 9 January

Location: Meet at 0530 in Hayes Gym.


3 x handstand push-ups
6 x box jumps

Cash out:
150 double-unders for time

Post results to comments.

Wednesday, 8 January

Location: 0530 in Hayes Gym.


20 x sit-ups
Run 1/2 a lap
10 x hand release push-ups
Run 1/2 a lap
10 x knees to elbow
Run 1/2 a lap

Tuesday, 7 January

Location: 0530 inside the 3rd floor entrance of Thayer Hall.

WOD: Five rounds for time.
Run two laps around Thayer Hall (~ 500 meters).
Rest equal time.

Post time in comments.

Monday, 6 January

Welcome back!

Location: 0530 in the '62 room.

Warm up: Run stairway to heaven and back to the '62 room.

WOD:10 burpees, 1 sit-up
9 burpees, 2 sit-ups
8 burpees, 3 sit-ups
1 burpee, 10 sit-ups

Post time in the comments.