Announcement: We will meet in the 62 Room of Arvin at 0530. Bring your jump rope for the warm-up.
Strength Work: Weighted Pull-Ups: 5-5-3-3-1-1
Use a weight vest if you have one and continuously try to add weight, working up to your max weight for a 1 RM weighted pull-up. Use dumbbells if you do not have a weight vest.
*Ensure you get enough rest in between each set (minimum of 3 minutes)
WOD: 10 Rounds for Time:
- Sprint 100m
- Rest 90 Seconds
Recommended Warm-Up:
Jump Roping: 1 minute per leg of 1-legged jumps, 1 minute of criss-crossing the rope in front of you on every jump, 1 minute of double unders (or double under attempts if you are still learning the double under).
Then, 3 Rounds of:
- 10 PVC Pipe Shoulder Pass-thrus
-15 Kettle Bell Swings
- 20 Superman reverse crunches (lie on stomach with arms and legs extended, raise both arms and both legs simultaneously to do a reverse crunch; hold for 2-3 seconds in the crunch position)
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Announcement: We will meet in the 62 Room of Arvin at 0530.
WOD: 4 Rounds for Time:
- 15 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (35# each hand / 20# each hand)
- 15 Sit-Ups
- 15 Wall Balls (20# / 14#)
- 15 Dumbbell Renegade Rows (35# / 20 #)
***For the Renegade Rows, watch the following video link:
Recommended Warm-Up:
Run 800m (2 loops around the Comm and Supt's House)
Then, 3 Rounds of:
- 10 Burpee Broad Jumps (instead of jumping up for vertical distance, jump out for horizontal distance)
- 10 Overhead Squats with PVC pipe or black weighted bar
- 10 Glut-Ham Leg Curls with Stability Ball
WOD: 4 Rounds for Time:
- 15 Dumbbell Walking Lunges (35# each hand / 20# each hand)
- 15 Sit-Ups
- 15 Wall Balls (20# / 14#)
- 15 Dumbbell Renegade Rows (35# / 20 #)
***For the Renegade Rows, watch the following video link:
Recommended Warm-Up:
Run 800m (2 loops around the Comm and Supt's House)
Then, 3 Rounds of:
- 10 Burpee Broad Jumps (instead of jumping up for vertical distance, jump out for horizontal distance)
- 10 Overhead Squats with PVC pipe or black weighted bar
- 10 Glut-Ham Leg Curls with Stability Ball
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Announcement: We will meet in the 3rd Floor Weight Room of Arvin at 0530. Each person will need a barbell and squat rack, if space allows. If it is crowded, partner up with someone who will use a similar weight.
Strength Work: Front Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3
**Do a couple of sets at a lighter weight to warm-up and focus on form/technique. Slowly add weight. Once the weight gets to a point where a set of 5 is challenging for you, count that as Set #1. Continue increasing weight as appropriate to challenge yourself on each set with plenty of rest time in between each set (AT LEAST 3-5 minutes rest). Goal is to find your max weight for a set of 3 reps.
- 30 Clean and Jerks for Time (RX = 135 lbs for men / 95 lbs for women)
Recommended Warm-Up:
- 3-5 minutes of mobility exercises on your own (karaoke side steps, sideways lunges, butt kickers, high knees, bear crawl, crab walk, walking toe touches, walking hip rotations, inchworm push-ups, etc.)
- 3 Rounds of:
*7 Pull-Ups
* 10 Air Squats
* 7 Ring Dips (or dips on the side of a bench if rings are not available)
* 10 Good Mornings with PVC Pipe or 45 lb bar, but no heavier
Strength Work: Front Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3
**Do a couple of sets at a lighter weight to warm-up and focus on form/technique. Slowly add weight. Once the weight gets to a point where a set of 5 is challenging for you, count that as Set #1. Continue increasing weight as appropriate to challenge yourself on each set with plenty of rest time in between each set (AT LEAST 3-5 minutes rest). Goal is to find your max weight for a set of 3 reps.
- 30 Clean and Jerks for Time (RX = 135 lbs for men / 95 lbs for women)
Recommended Warm-Up:
- 3-5 minutes of mobility exercises on your own (karaoke side steps, sideways lunges, butt kickers, high knees, bear crawl, crab walk, walking toe touches, walking hip rotations, inchworm push-ups, etc.)
- 3 Rounds of:
*7 Pull-Ups
* 10 Air Squats
* 7 Ring Dips (or dips on the side of a bench if rings are not available)
* 10 Good Mornings with PVC Pipe or 45 lb bar, but no heavier
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Announcement: This week will be a trial run to help determine how many people are interested in attending the 0530 class over the summer. Please post comments to the blog if you are in the local area and interested in following the Black and Gold programming this summer, but you prefer to work out at a different time. I would like to have a few options throughout the day to provide more opportunities for cadets, staff, faculty, and family members to do the WODs together and to get to know more people within the Black and Gold community. You can also email me at if you have other ideas for summer workout times.
For today's WOD, we will meet in the '62 Room of Arvin at 0530. No equipment is required.
5 Rounds for Time:
- Run 400 m (preferably the Comm's loop if the weather cooperates)
- 20 Burpees
Recommended Warm-Up/Skill Work:
3 Rounds of:
- 5 Hand-Stand Push-Up Negatives (slowly lower yourself until your head touches the ground; if you cannot push back up to full extension, then stand up after each negative and kick back up into the hand-stand position and complete another negative)
- 7 Knees to Elbows
- 9 Spiderman Lunges (9 per leg)
For today's WOD, we will meet in the '62 Room of Arvin at 0530. No equipment is required.
5 Rounds for Time:
- Run 400 m (preferably the Comm's loop if the weather cooperates)
- 20 Burpees
Recommended Warm-Up/Skill Work:
3 Rounds of:
- 5 Hand-Stand Push-Up Negatives (slowly lower yourself until your head touches the ground; if you cannot push back up to full extension, then stand up after each negative and kick back up into the hand-stand position and complete another negative)
- 7 Knees to Elbows
- 9 Spiderman Lunges (9 per leg)
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Monday, 27 May 2013 (Memorial Day)
Announcement: There will be no organized class meeting times today, but here are several Hero WOD Options for you to choose from in honor of Memorial Day. If you were not able to participate in the WOD for Warriors "21 Guns - A Memorial Salute" that we programmed on the cadet's last official day of CrossFit for the academic year, the workout is listed below as an option. Remember that Arvin holiday hours are in effect, so the gym will only be open from 0900-1700. Let us take a moment to remember and honor all of the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom!
Hero WOD Option #1: "LumberJack 20": FOR TIME: 20 Deadlifts (275#), Run 400m, 20 KB Swings (2 pood), Run 400m, 20 Overhead Squats (115#), Run 400m, 20 Burpees, Run 400m, 20 Pull-ups (Chest to Bar), Run 400m, 20 Box Jumps (24"), Run 400m, 20 DB Squat Cleans (45# each), Run 400m
Hero WOD Option #2: "Seven": 7 Rounds For Time: 7 Handstand Push-Ups, 7 Thrusters (135#), 7 Knees to Elbows, 7 Deadlifts (245#), 7 Burpees, 7 KB Swings (2 pood), 7 Pull-Ups
Hero WOD Option #3: "Zeus": 3 Rounds For Time: 30 Wall Balls (20#), 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75#), 30 Box Jumps (20"), 30 Push Press (75#), Row (30 cals), 30 Push-Ups, 10 Bodyweight Back Squats (***substitute 30 reps of the Rower exercise from PRT)
Hero WOD Option #4:
Fallen but Never Forgotten
Hero WOD Option #1: "LumberJack 20": FOR TIME: 20 Deadlifts (275#), Run 400m, 20 KB Swings (2 pood), Run 400m, 20 Overhead Squats (115#), Run 400m, 20 Burpees, Run 400m, 20 Pull-ups (Chest to Bar), Run 400m, 20 Box Jumps (24"), Run 400m, 20 DB Squat Cleans (45# each), Run 400m
Hero WOD Option #2: "Seven": 7 Rounds For Time: 7 Handstand Push-Ups, 7 Thrusters (135#), 7 Knees to Elbows, 7 Deadlifts (245#), 7 Burpees, 7 KB Swings (2 pood), 7 Pull-Ups
Hero WOD Option #3: "Zeus": 3 Rounds For Time: 30 Wall Balls (20#), 30 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (75#), 30 Box Jumps (20"), 30 Push Press (75#), Row (30 cals), 30 Push-Ups, 10 Bodyweight Back Squats (***substitute 30 reps of the Rower exercise from PRT)
Hero WOD Option #4:
"21 Guns - A Memorial Salute"
Partner #1:
21 Pull-ups
21 Burpee Box Jumps
(we will use the rocks - there are various heights)
21 Firemans Carry Back Squat
21 Burpee Box Jumps
21 Pull-Ups
Partner #2 executes
Partner #1 again
Partner #2 again
The 21 reps signify a 21 gun salute, the 5 exercises are one for each Branch of the Military. Executing with a Partner signifies the bonds we aim to create between our Nation's Warriors and the communities they grow in and return to, and doing it twice reflects the fact that we honor both the living and the deceased.
Partner #1:
21 Pull-ups
21 Burpee Box Jumps
(we will use the rocks - there are various heights)
21 Firemans Carry Back Squat
21 Burpee Box Jumps
21 Pull-Ups
Partner #2 executes
Partner #1 again
Partner #2 again
The 21 reps signify a 21 gun salute, the 5 exercises are one for each Branch of the Military. Executing with a Partner signifies the bonds we aim to create between our Nation's Warriors and the communities they grow in and return to, and doing it twice reflects the fact that we honor both the living and the deceased.
NOTE: For Fireman's Carry Back Squat - pick-up your partner on your back and do a squat. Scaling option is 'partner pick-ups' - simply pick-up and put down your partner.
NOTE2: Check out the WOD for Warriors website if you want more info about WOD for Warriors.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Friday, 24 MAY 2013
Announcements - Today the cadets are busy with Grad Week activities, so we are going off site! The WOD will be at Bear Mountain Bridge. If you want to carpool, please post in the comments. I will be at McDonalds in Highland Falls at 0530 to link-up. We will be at the Fort Montgomery Historic Site parking lot at 0545. This parking lot is just north of Bear Mountain Traffic Circle on the WP side of the river.
Equipment required - none! Wear your favorite civilian PTs or rock APFU if you prefer!
Team of 3!
Run length of Bear Mountain Bridge (approximately 400 meters; it's .24 miles)
Tag out with partner and rest until other team member returns (1:2 work:rest ratio)
NOTE: Two people will start on the near side and one on the far side. One near side person runs to far side and tags out. You get the idea! If it rains, we get wet. If it is lightning, then we will go elsewhere!
Equipment required - none! Wear your favorite civilian PTs or rock APFU if you prefer!
Team of 3!
Run length of Bear Mountain Bridge (approximately 400 meters; it's .24 miles)
Tag out with partner and rest until other team member returns (1:2 work:rest ratio)
NOTE: Two people will start on the near side and one on the far side. One near side person runs to far side and tags out. You get the idea! If it rains, we get wet. If it is lightning, then we will go elsewhere!
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Thursday, 23 MAY 2013
Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room.
Equipment required - if you have rings, please bring them! Otherwise either grab rings from the '62 room (and return them when done!).
Squat cleans (135/95)
Ring dips (substitution = 2:1 hand release push-ups)
NOTE: Scale as needed to maintain intensity!
Compare to: 22 SEPT 2011
Equipment required - if you have rings, please bring them! Otherwise either grab rings from the '62 room (and return them when done!).
Squat cleans (135/95)
Ring dips (substitution = 2:1 hand release push-ups)
NOTE: Scale as needed to maintain intensity!
Compare to: 22 SEPT 2011
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Wednesday, 22 MAY 2013
Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room at 0530. I don't think any cadets will be available, but then again, ErinM keeps coming back for more!!
Equipment required - barbell with appropriate weights staged
Warm-up and instruction - we will demo each movement and give everyone a chance to practice.
WOD - 3 parts, save time for all 3!!
Part I - Push press ladder - 5 rep sequence
Each minute on the minute knock out 5 x push presses. Start at 45 lbs. and add 20 lbs. (men) and 5 lbs. (women) after each minute. Barbell starts on the ground. Once you fail to complete all 5 reps within the designated minute, you are done!
Rest 3 minutes and then move on to Part II.
Part II - Thruster ladder - 2 rep sequence
Same concept as above, but now you only have to do 2 x thrusters every minute. Start at 45 lbs. and add after each minute as above.
Rest a few minutes and then move to Hayes Gym.
Low crawl, tires, horse, hanging tire, balance beam, wall, monkey bars, rope, 1 x lap w/ medicine ball, 1/2 lap run and then return to start point. Repeat for 9 minutes.
NOTE: Non-West Point folks can sub AMRAP 9: Row 500 meters, 12 pull-ups, 12 burpees.
Post # of rounds complete for each part to comments.
Equipment required - barbell with appropriate weights staged
Warm-up and instruction - we will demo each movement and give everyone a chance to practice.
WOD - 3 parts, save time for all 3!!
Part I - Push press ladder - 5 rep sequence
Each minute on the minute knock out 5 x push presses. Start at 45 lbs. and add 20 lbs. (men) and 5 lbs. (women) after each minute. Barbell starts on the ground. Once you fail to complete all 5 reps within the designated minute, you are done!
Rest 3 minutes and then move on to Part II.
Part II - Thruster ladder - 2 rep sequence
Same concept as above, but now you only have to do 2 x thrusters every minute. Start at 45 lbs. and add after each minute as above.
Rest a few minutes and then move to Hayes Gym.
Low crawl, tires, horse, hanging tire, balance beam, wall, monkey bars, rope, 1 x lap w/ medicine ball, 1/2 lap run and then return to start point. Repeat for 9 minutes.
NOTE: Non-West Point folks can sub AMRAP 9: Row 500 meters, 12 pull-ups, 12 burpees.
Post # of rounds complete for each part to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Tuesday, 21 MAY 2013
Announcements - we will meet in the '62 Room.
Equipment required - reflective belt and motivation!
For time:
Start in the '62 room
10 x knees to elbows
Run by Trophy Point and to the officer's club and down the Stairway to Hell to the River Courts
10 x dips
Run to Buffalo Soldiers' Field (leave River Courts, towards South Dock/Supt's Boat/Train Station, cross tracks, and run up the hill towards Thayer Gate)
20 x pull-ups on the bars by the post office
Run back to River Courts
10 x dips
Run to Arvin via Trophy Point
10 x knees to elbows
Don't get lost!!!
Post time to comments.
Equipment required - reflective belt and motivation!
For time:
Start in the '62 room
10 x knees to elbows
Run by Trophy Point and to the officer's club and down the Stairway to Hell to the River Courts
10 x dips
Run to Buffalo Soldiers' Field (leave River Courts, towards South Dock/Supt's Boat/Train Station, cross tracks, and run up the hill towards Thayer Gate)
20 x pull-ups on the bars by the post office
Run back to River Courts
10 x dips
Run to Arvin via Trophy Point
10 x knees to elbows
Don't get lost!!!
Post time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Monday, 20 MAY 2013
Announcements - I know it is Grad Week and the odds that any cadets will be with the morning crew is approximately 0.00001%. Try to do the WODs at some point if possible!
Partner "LINDA" - AKA "3 Bars of Death!"
Bring a friend, split it up and get after it!
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Deadlift (load = 1.5 x body weight)
Bench press (load = body weight)
Cleans (load = 3/4 body weight)
Person A does 10 reps of DL, then 10 of BP, and finally 10 cleans.
Person B does 9 reps of each movement while Person A rests.
Continue this sequence until you complete all the work.
NOTE: Scale as needed to maintain intensity.
NOTE2: If you are going solo, then you can either to it all by yourself or do all the even rounds and rest equal intervals.
Compare to: 7 OCT 2011
Post partner's name, loads, and time to comments.
Partner "LINDA" - AKA "3 Bars of Death!"
Bring a friend, split it up and get after it!
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Deadlift (load = 1.5 x body weight)
Bench press (load = body weight)
Cleans (load = 3/4 body weight)
Person A does 10 reps of DL, then 10 of BP, and finally 10 cleans.
Person B does 9 reps of each movement while Person A rests.
Continue this sequence until you complete all the work.
NOTE: Scale as needed to maintain intensity.
NOTE2: If you are going solo, then you can either to it all by yourself or do all the even rounds and rest equal intervals.
Compare to: 7 OCT 2011
Post partner's name, loads, and time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Friday, 17 MAY 2013
Announcements - we will meet in front of Lee Barracks (Cadet Barber Shop), near Grant Hall, at 0530. Since we aren't in Arvin, non-cadets can wear civilian PTs. Most cadets will be out on TEE it will be a skeleton crew!
Equipment required - motivation & water
Warm-up and instruction - we will discuss the box jump and give everyone a chance to practice
Team WOD - the more, the merrier!
Start with 1 x box jump (or step-up) and 5 x push-up and then run 25 meter ramp run to the top and back, this is ONE ROUND. When you return tag out with your partner who does 2 x box jumps and 6 x push-ups and then runs the ramp one time. After they return they tag out and the next person does 3 x box jumps and 7 x push-ups and the ramp run.
Continue this process for 30 minutes.
NOTE: If we have 5 or more people, then we break into 2 teams.
Post team members names and number of rounds complete to comments.
Equipment required - motivation & water
Warm-up and instruction - we will discuss the box jump and give everyone a chance to practice
Team WOD - the more, the merrier!
Start with 1 x box jump (or step-up) and 5 x push-up and then run 25 meter ramp run to the top and back, this is ONE ROUND. When you return tag out with your partner who does 2 x box jumps and 6 x push-ups and then runs the ramp one time. After they return they tag out and the next person does 3 x box jumps and 7 x push-ups and the ramp run.
Continue this process for 30 minutes.
NOTE: If we have 5 or more people, then we break into 2 teams.
Post team members names and number of rounds complete to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Thursday, 16 MAY 2013
Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room
Equipment required - towel
Warm-up and instruction - I will walk around to each group and ensure everyone is tracking on the points of performance for the movements. Start w/ a light load and work-up to your WOD weight.
Part 1: You have 15 minutes to work up to your 1 rep max for the squat snatch.
Part 2:
5 rounds for time
12 x bench press (135/95)
24 x air squats
NOTE: USE A SPOTTER and scale as needed!!!
Post load for snatch and time for Part 2 to comments.
Equipment required - towel
Warm-up and instruction - I will walk around to each group and ensure everyone is tracking on the points of performance for the movements. Start w/ a light load and work-up to your WOD weight.
Part 1: You have 15 minutes to work up to your 1 rep max for the squat snatch.
Part 2:
5 rounds for time
12 x bench press (135/95)
24 x air squats
NOTE: USE A SPOTTER and scale as needed!!!
Post load for snatch and time for Part 2 to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Wednesday, 15 MAY 2013
Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room
Equipment required - reflective belt, barbell, and lifting platform
Warm-up and instruction - start at lighter load and work up to WOD weight
WOD - we will do a stagger start if we are crunched for space.
For time:
15 x deadlift (225/135) {then run down stairs to '62 room for pull-ups}
15 x strict pull-ups {in '62 room}
Run 1 x mile (Lincoln Hall Loop - around Trophy Point, past Lincoln Hall, cross street at West Point Club, back to Arvin via Diagonal Walk)
15 x chest to bar pull-ups {in '62 room}
15 x deadlift (225/135)
Post time to comments.
Equipment required - reflective belt, barbell, and lifting platform
Warm-up and instruction - start at lighter load and work up to WOD weight
WOD - we will do a stagger start if we are crunched for space.
For time:
15 x deadlift (225/135) {then run down stairs to '62 room for pull-ups}
15 x strict pull-ups {in '62 room}
Run 1 x mile (Lincoln Hall Loop - around Trophy Point, past Lincoln Hall, cross street at West Point Club, back to Arvin via Diagonal Walk)
15 x chest to bar pull-ups {in '62 room}
15 x deadlift (225/135)
Post time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Tuesday, 14 MAY 2013
Announcements - We will meet in the 3rd floor weight room at 0530.
Equipment required - jump rope, barbell, and lifting platform.
Warm-up and instruction - we will discuss the points of performance for each movement and give everyone a chance to practice under load.
4 rounds for time and reps of the following:
Final score is total reps completed divided by time (in seconds) x 1000.
4 rounds for time
Round 1: 75 double-unders + AMRAP 90 seconds Overhead squat (95/65)
Round 2: 75 double-unders + AMRAP 90 seconds Push press (95/65)
Round 3: 75 double-unders + AMRAP 90 Sumo deadlift highpull (95/65)
Round 4: 75 double-unders + AMRAP 90 Front squat (95/65)
NOTE: Scale weight as needed!
NOTE2: Scale number of double-unders based on time available and your skill at double-unders.
Post partner's name and score to comments.
Compare to similar WOD done with a partner: 10 MAY 2012
Equipment required - jump rope, barbell, and lifting platform.
Warm-up and instruction - we will discuss the points of performance for each movement and give everyone a chance to practice under load.
4 rounds for time and reps of the following:
Final score is total reps completed divided by time (in seconds) x 1000.
4 rounds for time
Round 1: 75 double-unders + AMRAP 90 seconds Overhead squat (95/65)
Round 2: 75 double-unders + AMRAP 90 seconds Push press (95/65)
Round 3: 75 double-unders + AMRAP 90 Sumo deadlift highpull (95/65)
Round 4: 75 double-unders + AMRAP 90 Front squat (95/65)
NOTE: Scale weight as needed!
NOTE2: Scale number of double-unders based on time available and your skill at double-unders.
Post partner's name and score to comments.
Compare to similar WOD done with a partner: 10 MAY 2012
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Monday, 13 MAY 2013
Announcements - a big thank you to all those who came out and supported WOD for Warriors - 21 Gun Salute! We had about 40 cadets and faculty out there getting after it on a tough partner WOD! Pictures are posted on the Black and Gold CrossFit Facebook page. Check it out, tag yourself and others, and share!
Today we will meet in the '62 Room at 0530. I know many folks are tied up with TEEs, so if you can't make it with the morning crew, try to find time to get after it at some point in the day! Exercise helps combat stress and will help you power through TEE Week!
Equipment required - all required 'equipment' should be in Hayes Gym. If some equipment is not there, we may have to adapt and overcome!
Warm-up and instruction - everyone will do their personal warm-up until 0540 and then we will re-locate to Hayes Gym. In Hayes I will demo each movement and give everyone a chance to practice each.
1 x rope climb (15')
50 x sit-ups (APFT standard w/ heals hooked on mat)
40 x push-ups (get the full range of motion - chest to the floor and then arms locked out! Scale = knee push-ups)
30 x knees to elbows (scale = hanging leg raises or 4:1 rowers)
20 x straight bar dips (scale = jumping dips or hand release push-ups)
10 x handstand kick-ups (scale = lower number of reps or pike push-ups)
1 x climb over 7 foot wall (scale = bear crawl 15 feet)
1 x trip across the monkey bars (must grab each bar w/ at least one hand)
Today we will meet in the '62 Room at 0530. I know many folks are tied up with TEEs, so if you can't make it with the morning crew, try to find time to get after it at some point in the day! Exercise helps combat stress and will help you power through TEE Week!
Equipment required - all required 'equipment' should be in Hayes Gym. If some equipment is not there, we may have to adapt and overcome!
Warm-up and instruction - everyone will do their personal warm-up until 0540 and then we will re-locate to Hayes Gym. In Hayes I will demo each movement and give everyone a chance to practice each.
1 x rope climb (15')
50 x sit-ups (APFT standard w/ heals hooked on mat)
40 x push-ups (get the full range of motion - chest to the floor and then arms locked out! Scale = knee push-ups)
30 x knees to elbows (scale = hanging leg raises or 4:1 rowers)
20 x straight bar dips (scale = jumping dips or hand release push-ups)
10 x handstand kick-ups (scale = lower number of reps or pike push-ups)
1 x climb over 7 foot wall (scale = bear crawl 15 feet)
1 x trip across the monkey bars (must grab each bar w/ at least one hand)
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Friday, 10 MAY 2013
Announcements - We are going to take out the Firsties in style with our 5th and final partner WOD of the week - the summer edition of WOD for Warriors!
Meeting location - RIVER COURTS!!!!!! Weather is supposed to be dry the rest of the night, so we will head to the River Courts. Link up at 0535 by the Crew House and start your warm-up upon arrival!
Equipment required - bring chalk, tape, gloves, a towel, or whatever else you may need to do the WOD! I would recommend a towel to dry off pull-up bars!
Come say goodbye to Jared, Nels, and Nate and wish them well as they graduate and move out to join the ranks of the Long Gray Line! We will have some light chow for cadets after the WOD.
WOD for Warriors happens twice a year - Veteran's Day and Memorial Day - and over 60 different CrossFit affiliates across the US and abroad will be doing the same WOD in honor and remembrance of past, present, and future Veterans. This edition of WOD for Warriors is going to be a smoker and a perfect way to end a great year of Black and Gold CrossFit!!! We will still have WODs every day of TEE week and Grad Week, but I know everyone will be this is our last chance to get everyone together!
The WOD:
"21 Guns - A Memorial Salute"
Partner #1:
21 Pull-ups
21 Burpee Box Jumps
(we will use the rocks - there are various heights)
21 Firemans Carry Back Squat
21 Burpee Box Jumps
21 Pull-Ups
Partner #2 executes
Partner #1 again
Partner #2 again
The 21 reps signify a 21 gun salute, the 5 exercises are one for each Branch of the Military. Executing with a Partner signifies the bonds we aim to create between our Nation's Warriors and the communities they grow in and return to, and doing it twice reflects the fact that we honor both the living and the deceased.
Partner #1:
21 Pull-ups
21 Burpee Box Jumps
(we will use the rocks - there are various heights)
21 Firemans Carry Back Squat
21 Burpee Box Jumps
21 Pull-Ups
Partner #2 executes
Partner #1 again
Partner #2 again
The 21 reps signify a 21 gun salute, the 5 exercises are one for each Branch of the Military. Executing with a Partner signifies the bonds we aim to create between our Nation's Warriors and the communities they grow in and return to, and doing it twice reflects the fact that we honor both the living and the deceased.
NOTE: For Fireman's Carry Back Squat - pick-up your partner on your back and do a squat. Scaling option is 'partner pick-ups' - simply pick-up and put down your partner.
NOTE2: We will demo each of the exercises.
NOTE3: Check out the WOD for Warriors website if you want more info about WOD for Warriors.
Post partner's name and time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Thursday, 9 MAY 2013
Announcements - we will meet in the '62 Room, warm-up, and then get after it!
Equipment required - medicine ball, kettlebell, jump rope, and a 3 person team!
Warm-up and instruction - Matt and I will cover the points of performance for each movement and give everyone a chance to practice each.
WOD - Team Chipper (team of 3)
75 x Wall ball shots (20/14)
60 x Kettlebell swings (53/35)
45 x Shoulder touch push-ups (at the top position, touch your opposite shoulder with your hand; alternate hands)
30 x walking lunges (one step = one rep)
15 x handstand push-ups
10 x Wall Climbs
150 x double-unders (3:1 sub for single-unders)
NOTE: Only ONE person can work at a time while the other two people rest, cheer, and help keep track of reps/rounds.
NOTE2: If you only have a 2 person team, then subtract 1/3 of the reps from each exercise (so 2 people would do 50 x WBS, 40 x KBS, 30 x push-ups, etc.). if you are flying solo, then subtract 2/3s!
Post team members' names and number of rounds/partial rounds complete to comments.
Equipment required - medicine ball, kettlebell, jump rope, and a 3 person team!
Warm-up and instruction - Matt and I will cover the points of performance for each movement and give everyone a chance to practice each.
WOD - Team Chipper (team of 3)
75 x Wall ball shots (20/14)
60 x Kettlebell swings (53/35)
45 x Shoulder touch push-ups (at the top position, touch your opposite shoulder with your hand; alternate hands)
30 x walking lunges (one step = one rep)
15 x handstand push-ups
10 x Wall Climbs
150 x double-unders (3:1 sub for single-unders)
NOTE: Only ONE person can work at a time while the other two people rest, cheer, and help keep track of reps/rounds.
NOTE2: If you only have a 2 person team, then subtract 1/3 of the reps from each exercise (so 2 people would do 50 x WBS, 40 x KBS, 30 x push-ups, etc.). if you are flying solo, then subtract 2/3s!
Post team members' names and number of rounds/partial rounds complete to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Wednesday, 8 MAY 2013
Announcements - We are half-way through our final week together! We are meeting in the 3rd floor weight room - please arrive as early as possible to claim space.
Equipment required - barbell and a partner
Warm-up and instruction - start with a light load on the power cleans and knock out a few reps to ensure your back, shoulders, and legs are warmed up. Matt and I will walk around to ensure everyone is tracking on the proper form.
Partner WOD #3
5 Rounds for time
Person A - AMRAP 2 - 3 x power cleans (135/95), 6 x hand release push-ups, and 9 air squats
Person B - rest, cheer, and help count reps and rounds
After 2 minutes, switch roles and after each has done both, that's ONE round complete. After 2 minutes your partner picks up where you left off (i.e. if you have done 3 rounds plus 2 hand-release push-ups when 2 minutes is up, your partner starts on push-up #3 and continues on).
Continue process for total of 5 rounds (20 minutes total - each person will do 5 sets of work (10 minutes) and have 5 periods of rest (10 minutes).
Compare to: 9 MAY 2012
NOTE: Scale weight as needed.
Cash-out - head to the '62 Room with your partner and grab a medicine ball.
100 x weighted partner sit-ups (20/14) for time.
NOTE: For the partner sit-ups, partners will sit facing each other, interlock feet, and then one person with the medicine ball on their chest does a standard weighted sit-up and then at the top they pass the medicine ball off to their partner and that is one rep. The partner without the ball stays in the up position until their partner hands the ball off.
Post partner's name, total number rounds, and time for cash-out to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Tuesday, 7 MAY 2013
Today we have WOD#2 of Partner WOD Week! We will meet at Shea Stadium at 0540, warm-up and get after it! This is similar to last year's WOD, but with a focus on abs to give our muscles a break from Murph!
Overall concept for this WOD In the endzone of the football field, one person will do max reps of the designated exercise while the other person runs 100 yards and back. Upon return, call out number of reps complete and your partner sprints the length of the field and back. After both people have completed the run, you will finish the round by fireman's carrying your partner to the 50 yard line, then switch and they will carry you back to the start point. After returning from the fireman's carry, you have completed the round and move to the next round, which has the same exact concept, with a different exercise. Keep a running total of reps complete.
5 Rounds for Time:
Round 1 - Exercise = flutter kicks
Round 2 - Exercise = rowers
Round 3 - Exercise = sit-ups
Round 4 - Exercise = mountain climbers
Round 5 - Exercise = plank hold (no 'reps' counted but if not held for entire time partner is gone, 30 second time plenty where both partners pause and hold a 30 second plank)
Score = total reps/time (in seconds) x 1000
NOTE: If we have an odd number of people, then you will form a team consisting of 2 people and 1 person. When the slowest of the two people return from the run, then switch out. For fireman's carry, between the 3 people, go 75 yards instead of 50 yards, with each person doing a 50 yard leg of carrying.
Cash-out - once complete, run a partner mile for time - each person runs a 400 meter leg (1 lap) and then tags out with their partner. Each person runs 2 laps.
Compare to similar WOD from last year: 8 MAY 2012
Post partner's name, score, total reps complete, and time to comments. Also, post time for bonus round if you decide to do it.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Monday, 6 MAY 2013
Announcements - Since this is our last week together we will do partner WODs all week. We will culminate with "WOD for Warriors - 21 Gun Salute" on Friday. If you haven't signed up yet on the B&G Facebook page, please do! If you aren't on Facebook, then RSVP to
Today we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room. Please arrive as early as possible so we can claim enough space.
Equipment required - barbell and partner
Warm-up and instruction - upon arrival start your personal warm-up. Start with a lighter load and then you can work-up to your starting weight. Personal warm-up from 0530 - 0540, WOD brief at 0540, and then you have until 0553 to warm-up under load and work-up to your starting weight.
Partner WOD #1:
Deadlift max combined load in a total of 21 reps.
Rules - Your team has 7 minutes to complete all 21 reps; if you put the bar down to rest, then you MUST change the weight; you cannot use the same load on the bar more than 2 times.
Rest a few minutes and then:
Partner WOD #2:
Push press max combined load in a total of 21 reps.
Rules - Your team has 7 minutes to complete all 21 reps; if you put the bar down to rest, then you MUST change the weight; you cannot use the same load on the bar more than 2 times.
Post partner's name and total load for each event to comments.
Today we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room. Please arrive as early as possible so we can claim enough space.
Equipment required - barbell and partner
Warm-up and instruction - upon arrival start your personal warm-up. Start with a lighter load and then you can work-up to your starting weight. Personal warm-up from 0530 - 0540, WOD brief at 0540, and then you have until 0553 to warm-up under load and work-up to your starting weight.
Partner WOD #1:
Deadlift max combined load in a total of 21 reps.
Rules - Your team has 7 minutes to complete all 21 reps; if you put the bar down to rest, then you MUST change the weight; you cannot use the same load on the bar more than 2 times.
Rest a few minutes and then:
Partner WOD #2:
Push press max combined load in a total of 21 reps.
Rules - Your team has 7 minutes to complete all 21 reps; if you put the bar down to rest, then you MUST change the weight; you cannot use the same load on the bar more than 2 times.
Post partner's name and total load for each event to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Friday, 3 MAY 2013
Announcements - we are meeting in the '62 Room of Arvin. It will be a LOOOONG WOD, so we need to be there on time, warm-up quickly, and then get after it!
Equipment required - water, motivation, and anything else you might need - tape, chalk, towel, etc.
Warm-up and instruction - we will demo the movement standards, discuss the run route, and then get after it!
For time:
Run 1 mile - Front of Arvin to Koscuizko Monument and back.
100 x pull-ups (scale - jumping pull-ups and/or lower number of reps)
200 x push-ups (scale - knees push-ups and/or lower number of reps)
300 x air squats (scale - lower number of reps - try to do full range of motion if your level of fitness and flexibility allow!!)
Run 1 mile
NOTE: You can partition reps of each exercise as needed - example: If you can do 10 sets of 10, 20, and 30 of pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats if you'd like or try to blast through each exercise before moving to the's up to you!
NOTE2: Scale as needed!!! Murph will take between 35 - 60 minutes depending on your fitness level. If you need to lower the number of reps in order to complete it before formation, by all means do it! Also, the point is NOT to hurt yourself doing more than you are capable set a realistic goal and go for it!!
NOTE3: If you really want to you can wear body armor/20 lbs. weighted vest.
Post time to comments.

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Equipment required - water, motivation, and anything else you might need - tape, chalk, towel, etc.
Warm-up and instruction - we will demo the movement standards, discuss the run route, and then get after it!
For time:
Run 1 mile - Front of Arvin to Koscuizko Monument and back.
100 x pull-ups (scale - jumping pull-ups and/or lower number of reps)
200 x push-ups (scale - knees push-ups and/or lower number of reps)
300 x air squats (scale - lower number of reps - try to do full range of motion if your level of fitness and flexibility allow!!)
Run 1 mile
NOTE: You can partition reps of each exercise as needed - example: If you can do 10 sets of 10, 20, and 30 of pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats if you'd like or try to blast through each exercise before moving to the's up to you!
NOTE2: Scale as needed!!! Murph will take between 35 - 60 minutes depending on your fitness level. If you need to lower the number of reps in order to complete it before formation, by all means do it! Also, the point is NOT to hurt yourself doing more than you are capable set a realistic goal and go for it!!
NOTE3: If you really want to you can wear body armor/20 lbs. weighted vest.
Post time to comments.
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
Thursday, 2 MAY 2013
Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room, please arrive early so we can claim some space. Reminder - tomorrow (Friday) we are doing Murph. '62 Room, 0530, reflective belt, water, tape, chalk, and whatever else you need.
Equipment required - partner, jump rope, and lifting platform with barbell
Warm-up and instruction - start with a light load and work on both movements before moving up to the WOD weight. Matt and I will walk around and check on form and coach as needed.
5 rounds for time
Person A - Run 100 meters + 50 double-unders (3:1 single-under sub)
Person B - 5 x power cleans (135/95) + 3 x squat cleans (135/95)
once both are complete, switch roles and that is one round
Cash-out challenge: 3 minute double-under challenge - the rules - whenever you mess up with double-unders, you knock out 3 burpees. Your score is total double-unders/total number of burpees. NOTE: If you are struggling with double-unders, then you can sub 3:1 single-unders and do 3 x burpees every 30 seconds.
Post partner's name and time to comments.
Equipment required - partner, jump rope, and lifting platform with barbell
Warm-up and instruction - start with a light load and work on both movements before moving up to the WOD weight. Matt and I will walk around and check on form and coach as needed.
5 rounds for time
Person A - Run 100 meters + 50 double-unders (3:1 single-under sub)
Person B - 5 x power cleans (135/95) + 3 x squat cleans (135/95)
once both are complete, switch roles and that is one round
Cash-out challenge: 3 minute double-under challenge - the rules - whenever you mess up with double-unders, you knock out 3 burpees. Your score is total double-unders/total number of burpees. NOTE: If you are struggling with double-unders, then you can sub 3:1 single-unders and do 3 x burpees every 30 seconds.
Post partner's name and time to comments.
Posted by
Black and Gold CrossFit
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