Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Announcement: This week will be a trial run to help determine how many people are interested in attending the 0530 class over the summer.  Please post comments to the blog if you are in the local area and interested in following the Black and Gold programming this summer, but you prefer to work out at a different time.  I would like to have a few options throughout the day to provide more opportunities for cadets, staff, faculty, and family members to do the WODs together and to get to know more people within the Black and Gold community.  You can also email me at blackandgoldcrossfit@gmail.com if you have other ideas for summer workout times.

For today's WOD, we will meet in the '62 Room of Arvin at 0530.  No equipment is required.

5 Rounds for Time:
- Run 400 m (preferably the Comm's loop if the weather cooperates)
- 20 Burpees

Recommended Warm-Up/Skill Work:
3 Rounds of:
- 5 Hand-Stand Push-Up Negatives (slowly lower yourself until your head touches the ground; if you cannot push back up to full extension, then stand up after each negative and kick back up into the hand-stand position and complete another negative)
- 7 Knees to Elbows
- 9 Spiderman Lunges (9 per leg)


Matt said...


I plan to attend at 0530 until I leave next week, 5 June.

jck said...

Miss the morning crew. A lot harder to get up and stay motivated during the workout alone.

Watched stopped so no idea on time.

Matt said...


Two days in a row running killed my hip. By the last round I was just limping along.


R.K. Barker said...

Worked out with my old box, CrossFit Omaha. We did 21-15-9 of 24" box jumps, burpees, and Ball "Slams" (more of ball deadlifts into muscle snatches) with a 20lb ball. 7 minute cut off, 6:21.

ErinM said...


The burpees on that were rough...

jswobe said...

Holy hot outside...at 8 pm, it was still in the 90's. That made this suck all that much more.

