Monday, 29 APRIL 2013

Announcements - Reminder - Murph this upcoming Friday and WOD for Warriors on the 10th!  Please RSVP for WOD for Warriors on the Facebook page so we know how many to expect.  Chow will be provided!

This morning we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room.  Please arrive as early as possible so we can claim enough space.

Equipment required - squat rack and barbell

Warm-up and instruction - start with a light load and work up to your starting weight; Matt and I will walk around and ensure everyone is tracking on the points of performance and proper form.


Grab a partner or two and get after it!  No time component, so focus on form and rest as needed as between sets.

5-4-3-2-1 reps of the following:

Front squat
Back squat

NOTE:  Alternate between front and back squats and rest as needed.  This means you will do 5 front squats,  let your partner(s) do front squats, then do 5 back squats, then do 4 reps of each, etc. until complete.

Compare to: 10 SEPT 2012


Anonymous said...

Sat out on this because I ran to Buckner yesterday and my knee is giving me problems now, and I have the Bear Mtn. 1/2 Marathon next Sunday... didn't want to cause any more problems for me knee.

Adam said...

Small, but mighty crew this morning! It is so nice to not have to battle Sandhurst for equipment!!

Squats continue to be a huge goat for me!!

FS: 135-145-155-165-185
BS: 205 (3/2), 195, 205, 215, 225

I started off a bit heavy for the back squats...ooops.

I did slightly better than last time, but still need to work on improving my leg strength!

R.K. Barker said...

Squats are definitely a problem spot for me. I need to work on them more.
FS and BS: 95,115,135,145,155.

Mickey said...

going to have to start setting multiple alarms. ugh

Unknown said...

Had to do it during 1st hour today. Lost my cell phone so no alarm clock.

Front squat

Back Squat

Mickey said...

Just hit the squat rack.

Worked up to 275 x 1

+25# from my last max.

Very happy considering i couldn't sleep last night and had to leave I Hour to go throw up today

jswobe said...

Not quite as good as last time...

FS: 135, 155, 185, 205, 225
BS: 185, 205, 225, 245, 275