Monday, 8 APRIL 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the 3rd floor weight room.  Please arrive as early as possible so we can claim some space!

Equipment required - Priority is securing: 1 x lifting platform, 1 x squat rack, and 1 x rack for the shoulder presses.

Warm-up and instruction - start your individual warm-up immediately upon arrival.  Start warming up for each movement with a lighter load and then work up to your WOD weight.  Matt and I will demo each of the movements to ensure everyone is tracking on the standards.

WOD - today is a classic benchmark to check your progress or establish a baseline for future progress checks.

CrossFit Total PLUS:
1 rep max of:
Back squat
Shoulder press
Bench Press*

Please check out the CrossFit Journal article on the rules of the CF Total.  It is one that you will want to save for future use.CrossFit Total Article

NOTE:  CF Total only includes Back Squat, shoulder press, and deadlift, but for the Plus version, we will also add bench press.
NOTE2:  As stated in the CF Total Article above, you will warm-up and work your way to a 1 rep max for each lift.
NOTE3:  USE A SPOTTER!!!  You should never attempt a 1 rep max on bench press without using a spotter or a 1 rep max on back squat without being in the squat cage with safety bars in place!!
NOTE4:  Order does not matter - we will spread out and start at different movements so we can maximize efficiency.

Compare to: 16 JAN 2012

Post total load and loads for each of the movements.


R.K. Barker said...

Worked out with the Navy group today - I'm looking forward to being back with the morning crew next week. After a warm up we did 4 Turkish Get-Ups, 8 dumbbel Ground to Overhead and then a variated push up. It was a 10 minute AMRAP and I got 4 rounds, plus 2 Turkish Get-Ups, used 25 lb dumbbells.

Adam said...

nice to have the weight room to ourselves this morning! Good to see a bunch of folks there working hard!

Squat: 225 (-10 from last time)
Deadlift: 345 (+30; PR)
Shoulder press: 145 (same as last)
Bench: 245 (-5 from last time)

960 total...still didn't break 1000!

Mickey said...

really sore from last week still. Worked up to..
Squat: 2x215
Bench: 8x165

Last CF total i did was a few weeks ago.
Squat: 250
DL: 335
Press: 135
Bench: 205

925 total

Caleb McDaniel said...

Did the same workout with the Navy group. I really wanted to do CrossFit Total this morning. I was looking forward to that. Anyways, I got 2 rounds complete and 3 pushups on the third round. I used a 40lbs dumbbel. About 5 of my turkish get-ups were not to Rx but everything else was.

jck said...

Squat: 245
Deadlift: 300 (PR)
Shoulder Press: 105
Bench: 185 (PR)

Nate said...

I'm still feeling Friday...

Squat: 185 (+50 from the last time I remember doing 1RM... it was a long time ago)
Deadlift: 265 (+10 PR)
Press: 95x2 (This is the first time I think I've ever done this exercise)
Bench: 165 (about what I expected)

jswobe said...

Not good numbers, but I know why...

Squat: 275
Press: 135
Deadlift: 355
Bench: 210