Thursday, 4 APRIL 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the '62 Room - upon arrival warm-up and help set-up rings

Equipment required - weighted black bars, medicine balls, and rings

Warm-up and instruction - Matt will take half the group through overhead squat fundamentals and Adam will  discuss weighted ring dips.  Everyone will get a chance to practice each of the movements.


12 x overhead squats (black weighted bar)
9 x walking lunges
6 x strict pull-ups
3 x weighted ring dips (20/12 med ball)

Post number of rounds complete to comments.


Mickey said...

pvc pipe and trx rows to go easy on my hand.

Lots of rounds. Lost count pretty early. Lots of traffic this morning.

Nate said...

Not my best day, personally.

I got in 8 rounds and made it to the 9th set of pullups.

Don't know how much the pipe I used weighed... would be nice if those were marked.

jck said...

12 rounds even.

Huge group this morning!

R.K. Barker said...

I wanted to make it out, but got to bed later than I was hoping and decided that recovery was best accomplished with sleep.

Adam said...

great to see a big crew this morning! Keep up the fire everyone!

9 rounds + 4 lunges as rx'd

Used the 2nd largest black bar and the pull-ups were by far the toughest, but kept them strict the entire time.

Matt said...


Nice big crew this morning

I used one of the big bars and a 20lbs Medball

10 rounds + 4 pull-ups

Caleb McDaniel said...

205, 225, 245, 255, 265, 270
Cash out 1000m row: 4:18
100 LL unders (got a couple of triple unders as well.)

jswobe said...

I started with several sets of back squats: 185, 225, 245, 265

--then today's WOD:

I did the OHS at 75-lbs

8 rounds complete

That was brutal. I might not be able to walk tomorrow...