Wednesday, 3 APRIL 2013

Announcements - we will meet in the '62 room.  Drink water...this one is a TOUGH one!

Equipment required - kettlebell or dumbbell of appropriate size - please grab one on your way in

Warm-up and instruction - Matt will take half the group through kettlebell swings and Adam will take the other half on a run of the Stairway to Heaven.  We will switch and give everyone a catch to practice all the movements while warming up.


5 rounds for time
10 x knees to elbows  (scale = hanging leg raises)
15 x hand release push-ups  (scale = regular or knee push-ups)
20 x kettlebell swings (53/35)  (scale = Russian swings - level to eyes)
Run Stairway to Heaven

Compare to: 14 NOV 2012

Post time to comments.


jck said...

Nels and I hydrated at a beer tasting. Should make tomorrow morning interesting

Nate said...

17:54 as RX'd.

Beat my last time by 4:56, and I was able to do all the KB swings this time (switched out for Russian swings last semester).

That was a smoker.

Mickey said...


Scaled down the swings to American swings to go easier on my hands.

Ended up tearing pretty badly anyways. Oh well.

Survival swimming should be fun today.

Adam said...

I nearly puked on this one! Miserable! The stairs were just down right terrible! Nice work by everyone on a tough one!

21:17 as rx'd - over a minute after than last time.

Caleb McDaniel said...

Worked out with Chandler Smith and Erin this morining. We did "Annie". For those of you who dont know that is 50-40-30-20-10 of LL unders and situps(normally with an abmat but we didnt have any).
I got 6:20 on the workout which was 1 minute 55 second PR as Rx'd.
Then we ran some sprints.

Matt said...


Ouch. I scaled up to 70lbs KBS. I was 9 seconds slower this time. Last time I used the 53lbs KB.


KBS to stairs SUCKED.

jck said...


I would still rather do Stairs than run.

Mickey said...

Correction. Russian swings**

R.K. Barker said...

Had Strength Team tryouts today.
Max reps of Bench Press @ 185 pounds, an impressive 1 rep for me.
Max reps of Front Squat @ 185, 4 reps.
2 30 second sets of pull-ups and dips: 21,17 on the pull-ups, I think. 22,13 on the dips, again, I think.
Then we had a METCON of: 25 burpees, 50 wall ball shots (10 feet) @ 20 pounds, and a 90 pound, 100 yard sled push: 7:39/7:49, I don't remember which, I was on the floor with some seriously cramping legs. That was pretty tough, but cool to workout in Kimsey.

jswobe said...


Subbed 400-meter runs for the STH.

that was a classic Crossfit grinder...those runs sucked...