Equipment required: 1 x barbell per person with necessary weights
Warm-up and instruction: 10 minutes total - demo movements and then everyone practices each; this morning I will select cadets to demo and provide points of performance for the Air make sure you review in advance!!
Deadlift - demo (Matt) and points of performance (Adam)
Air squat - demo (randomly selected cadet) & points of performance (randomly selected cadet)
Today's WOD comes from Leigh Gust's blog. They do some awesome WODs...check out their site.
For time and reps:
Max reps of push-ups
2 x deadlift (275/185)
50 x air squats (touch and go w/ butt on the medicine ball)
4 x deadlift
40 x air squats
6 x deadlift
30 x air squats
8 x deadlift
20 x air squats
10 x deadlift
10 x air squats
Max reps of push-ups
NOTE: Scale as needed, the deadlifts are heavy!
Scoring - Convert your completion time to seconds. Subtract the total number of push-ups from your overall time. Like golf, a lower score is better. For example, if it took you 10 minutes (600 seconds) to complete and you did 50 push-ups and then 40 push-ups, your score would be: 600 seconds - 90 push-ups = 510 // ANS
Post score to comments.
As Rx'd with 275lbs. Great WOD.
Time: 11:38
Push-ups: 80+50=130
Score: 568
225# bar except for last 2 rounds at #185
Time: 12:02
Push-ups: 62
Score: 660
That was a tough one!
I scaled deadlifts to 245 and still struggled at the end.
Push-ups: 70 + 51 = 121
Score: 717.00 (had to get the sig figs!!)
Went 185# on deadlift because of IOCT tomorrow, I wanted to ensure I could move and hopefully tab.
Push Ups: 80
Score: 434
Tough one, but fun.
Scaled Deadlifts to 205.
Time: 11:50
Push Ups: 50
Score: 660
Was a little pressed for time, so stopped the push ups when I felt like bending up to rest.
Had to scale to 53 kg (~117 lb)
My arms are still wrecked from this week, so push-ups were pitiful.
PUs: 28+32
Score: 679
11:53 (713 sec)
70 pushups + 50 pushups
=539 score
scaled to 225# deads
Great WOD!
Scaled DLs to 245
Push-ups: 65 + 55 = 120
Score: 610
Good WOD.
Time: 16:53
Push-ups: 61 & 32
Score: 920
By the way...I'm way behind. this WOD is about six weeks old!
I'm never going to catch up at this rate...
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