Friday, 2 December

First a humorous picture of why T Rex doesn't do CrossFit (and therefore went extinct!)

If you tried out yesterday (nice work Sean!), you can give yourself a bit of a break and do yesterday's WOD (250 sit-ups for time w/ 15 push-ups at each rest), or you can do today's.

 5 x Weighted pull-ups (20/12)
20 x Double-unders

Rest a few minutes,

then run 1 mile for time.

NOTE:   A few options for the run route - outdoors - start at front of Arvin run to Koscuiko's Monument and back, or indoors - 4 x gym loops or treadmill
NOTE2:  If running outdoors, be sure to wear your reflective belt and watch out for traffic.

Post number of rounds complete and time for the run.


Adam said...

a small, but mighty crew there this morning! Nice work by all. Consistency is the key with CrossFit!

To the firsties we missed this morning - I hope you got the branch you wanted!

As for the WOD -
5 rounds + 4 pull-ups (20 lbs.)
then 6:19 for the run.

Matt said...


Great WOD.

As Rx'd: 6 rounds exactly

1 mile: 6:39

I couldn't keep up with Adam.

jswobe said...

5.5 rounds, plus a handful of DU's

(subbed 1-mile row for the run)


Good WOD...

Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

Mickey said...

finished my 5th round 9 seconds over.

rested for a few minutes and then did 4 gym loops for the run

6:10. Don't know how i pulled that off but I was in the zone.