Wednesday 2/10/10

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Post weights to comments.


Maj said...
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Maj said...

225, 315, 365(PR), 365, 365, 365(f), 365

Anonymous said...

295, 315, 335, 365, 385, 405, 410(PR).
Good lift this morning, and plenty of open space in the gym.
It looks like a little bit of snow offered the perfect excuse for some folks to skip the daily WOD. You know who you are...

Gregg said...


My form was horrendous.

SB said...

ended up at 275lbs (failed at 295)

before deadlift, did the following with my PE350 lab group:

AMRAP 20min
1x stairway to heaven
30ft weighted bear crawl (25# DBs)
20x 24" step ups holding 25lbs
rnds= 7 + bear crawl

later on today...looking fwd to Snowfit 2010.

SM said...

315, 335, 355, 375, 380 (PR),385(f),385(f),375(f)

Just couldn't get it off the ground at the end.

Also, signs are posted in Arvin that say no Vibram 5 fingers allowed. Not sure what its all about, but just letting everyone know since I know a lot of people wear them.

sdc said...

225, 245, 275, 295, 315, 325 (PR)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys I have been doing crossfit off the regular site for a few months now. I am in the Army and found your website and I am starting to do your workouts (the ones I can do). I am from Nebraska so I can't come to your gym.

Gregg said...

Armyfirefighter-Glad to have you, welcome.

Anonymous said...


20lbs PR from a month ago

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gregg, I am glad to be going off this site! I just went and did this WOD 225/275/315/370(PR)/315/315. I could have probably went 380 but I'll save that for the next time.

Njc said...

First time really deadlifting for weight:

135, 185, 195, 225, 225, 225, 235 (PR)

AJ said...

225, 245, 265, 275, 275, 295, 315(f)

Anonymous said...


Grip seemed to be a limiting factor.

Jon said...

225, 255, 285, 295(PR), 295, 300(f), 300(f). Thanks for the help Tex!

westpointlefty said...

395 max