Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Meet at 0530 in the powerlifting room...


Deadlift 5 RM (add 10 lbs to last workout)


Complete 5 rounds:
60 seconds – Max Reps 2 Arm KB Push Press w/ 1.5 pood
60 seconds – Max Reps Strict Pull Ups
Rest 60 seconds between rounds.
Post total reps completed to comments.


R.K. Barker said...

Deadlift: 295. Not feeling super great, had a couple bad nights of sleep so I skipped the conditioning.

Alex Vinson said...

Deadlift: 195#

Conditioning: Subbed dumbbells in for kettlebells. Assisted pullups.
PP: 15,13,10,10,12

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! Stay safe!