Monday, 10 March

Location: Meet at 0530 in the '62 room.


Row 1x 2k

Row 2x 1k

Row 3X 500

Rest 1:1 (if your 2k time is 8:00, then rest 8:00 before starting your 1k, and so on)

Post times to comments.


R.K. Barker said...

That was fun. Didn't get to do the 500s, though. 7:55 on the 2k, and 3:46 and 3:42 for the subsequent 1ks.

ErinM said...

2k: 7:41
1k: 3:51, 3:56
500s: 1:51, 1:57, 1:56

Definitely smoked.

Unknown said...

2k 8:30
1k 4:30 , 4:27
500: 2:10, 2:21, 2:20