Announcements - we will meet in the '62 room, warm-up, and get after it!
Equipment required - grab our share of medicine balls and dumbbells of appropriate weight
Warm-up and instruction - I will demo each of the movements and give everyone a chance to practice each movement.
5 rounds for time
5 x handstand push-ups (scale = pike push-ups)
7 x weighted pull-ups (20/12 med ball between knees; scale = unweighted pull-ups)
9 x dumbbell deadlifts (you pick the weight, make it challenging, but not impossible)
21 x sit-ups (APFT standard)
Post time and weight used to comments.
That was a rough one.
Had a hard time keeping tempo with the handstand pushups and the weighted pullups (the ultimate killer, I'm convinced).
Great WOD, though!
85# dumbbells crushed me! My grip was smoked which made weighted pull-ups suck badly and DLs even worse!
Good times!
This is a great, free CF Journal download:
The Push-Up
...including "10 Push-up Milestones and Challenges," which are pretty awesome...
11:53 - pullups were definitely the worst even though I scaled them!
50# DB. Did jumping weighted pullups a few times in the heat of the moment.
Rxd otherwise.
Scaled to half HSPU with a double mat beneath my head (though closest I have ever come to a real one!) and to regular pull-ups.
Late post. 100lbs DBs
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